1 Comment
Jun 13·edited Jun 13

“ The suspects, ethnic Tajiks with Russian citizenship, all entered the country via the southern border (including one via the CBP One app), where they passed an initial vetting by federal authorities and were released into the interior. At some point, they came onto the “radar” of the multi-agency Joint Terrorism Task Force, which notified ICE of their presence. According to the report in the Post, at least some of the suspects were placed under FBI surveillance, where one of them was recorded “talking about bombs.”

Great. And how many are here, roaming about free to do whatever it is they want who have NOT been picked up on the “radar” of those in the JTTF, or are just being “monitored’ by the utterly feckless FBI?

How many times have we heard, well after a devastating shooting or act, that the perpetrators “were known to the FBI”?

We are like sitting ducks for God knows what acts of horror now being plotted to be committed here by thousands of illegals now in this country. It is a ticking time bomb. Mind boggling that this wide open border just continues apace.

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