"Moderns are obsessed with the individual because they saw the industrial revolution gut the stability of the tribe and the village." Moderns didn't "see" anything; the Industrial Revolution destroyed the family sysems that were in place for centuries--top down and autocratic though they were, they were stable and understandable -- replacing them more and more with corporate rule where now there is not even the illusion that any but the tiny elite of Rockefellers and Gateses have any power OR ANY HOPE AT ALL.

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Our Side of the Story:

My Autonomy is Not Negotiable, My Country Is Not An 'Opportunity For a Reset', and Why I'm Going to Stand With The Trucker Convoy in Ottawa

Julius Ruechel is a Canadian writer.

Jan 27



(Quick link to the full article on my website)

As you probably already know, there is a massive convoy of truckers travelling across our country on route to Ottawa. As it crosses into Manitoba, it has already grown to over 50,000 trucks and is already over 70 km long, with countless citizens joining in the journey. Soon it will arrive in our nation's capital. Other convoys from Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes are already arriving. And countless concerned citizens, like myself, will be joining them on Parliament Hill. Together we will brave the cold (and whatever tactics Justin Trudeau tries to throw at us to silence our voices) in order to flood the streets of our capital city with a peaceful law-abiding message of freedom that will not be ignored.

I hope you will join us in Ottawa. And please share this essay with every person you know, especially those who are most afraid of the virus, so that both sides of this story will finally be heard.

This essay is an urgent appeal to all the politicians, public health officials, policemen, judges, doctors, journalists, and to every single person in Canada and all around the world who continues to support mandatory public health measures, vaccine mandates, and coercion. I would like to give you a complete picture of what is at stake, from my perspective, so you can judge my decision to stand with the trucker convoy on Parliament Hill by reading my own words and not the distorted words of our mainstream media.

For two straight years the world has only heard your side of the debate. Now it is time for you to hear ours. It is time for you to recognize what you are doing, what you are breaking, the illiberal world you are creating, acknowledge the way in which you are using the pandemic as an opportunity to rewrite the economic and legal underpinnings of our society, and address the elephant in the room: are any of your heavy-handed measures actually achieving anything other than to destroy the fabric of society?

Although this essay barely scratches the surface of all that has happened, I hope it may provide an accurate overview of the enormity of what has happened over these past two years and serve as the first step towards a long-overdue conversation.

Click here to continue reading this article on my website…

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I would not expect intraparty conflict to affect Biden's ability to appoint judges. Manchin has been as good as a rubber stamp judicially, even on judges opposed by Republican obstructionists.

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