Comments to the contrary notwithstanding, it is becoming more and more clear that Biden is continuing Obama's efforts to align the US with Iran, at the expense of everyone else in the region. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that the US hasn't actually won a war since 1945. So it makes sense that Biden is pushing a "push-me/pull-you" policy between Israel and Hamas. Hey anyone who's listening! Israel isn't the only actor in this deadly drama. If Hamas surrenders, the war is over.

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Israel should not grovel in apologetics , regardless of what Haaretz or the mainstream media reports, for the fact that as in any war there are civilian casualties and collateral damage,that an aid provider determined to provide aid to Gaza despite the fact that such aid winds up feeding Hamas and that the provider hated the idea of providing security. Israel should besiege Rafah and let Hamas suffer the consequences of starting the war-that is what the US did during WW2 via bombing and unrestricted submarine warfare, and how the Civil War was won-by besieging the enemy and ensurung that the enemy had no means of supply of means to feed its population. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS5yfhPGaWE This is how wars are won.

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Well said, Steven.

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It certainly appears that the purpose of modern war is solely to enrich the producers of war machinery vs. winning anything. I can't think of any war that was "won" since I have been alive.

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Israel was victorious in the Sic Day War and the Yom Kippur War which were on by the grunts on the ground notwithstanding the Israeli attacks on the Arab airfields at the dawn of the Six Day War

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I really like the Scroll but honestly the attempt to link every incident to some conspiratorial desire that the United Dates would prefer to be in an alliance with Iran instead of Israel is just weird and irritating. It smacks of ideological contretemps more akin to Marxism. Stop doing it. It’s baseless and discrediting.

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The facts on the ground show that the Uas is micromanaging the war so as not to offend Iran

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