Is there any more unkillable myth in the modern world than the "2-state solution"?

Western liberals, while always claiming how much they worship and adore the "indigenous voices of the marginalized" (or whatever is the sanctimonious self-flattering jargon du jour), refuse to heed the Palestinians and instead drown out their voices with their own ideological fantasies.

The Palestinians have spoken loudly and clearly, from their leadership class down to the man on the street, for 75 straight years: they have no interest in any kind of state, they only want to destroy the Jewish state. This is not hard to comprehend if you just look and think clearly.

Western liberals (which includes most conservatives too) are really obtuse for people so educated and credentialed: believe it or not, not everyone wants what they want, to bow down to the gods of the market and the creed of maximum personal autonomy aka "liberation". Some people want much simpler things: revenge, vendetta, to shed the blood of the enemy as retribution to how slighted and humiliated they feel.

We can either pretend that a people devoted to genocidal revenge are really secret democrats-in-training who just need more coaxing and speeches from American diplomats, or we can face reality squarely: the Palestinians need a comprehensive societywide dismantling and a radical social restructuring akin to post-WW2 Germany and Japan.

Refusing to push for this, and refusing to admit that there is no possible civilized future for these people without the complete destruction of Hamas, is just reckless and stupid and guarantees more bloodshed and hatred down the road.

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Anyone honest with knowledge of the facts on the ground in the Middle East would have to agree with your clear-headed analysis. Here is my attempt to lay out the facts:


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"The reality, however much it may disappoint Western politicians, is that Israel wants peace, and the Palestinians want conquest. No amount of pretending will erase that reality."

Thanks, that was great.

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Thanks for the link. Wilf is terrific. I recently saw a lengthy public talk of hers on YouTube (I think). And, of course, she is absolutely correct. It is the first principle of anthropological ethnography to try to see things from the point of view of the local people. But the West prefers to ignore what the local people want and to impose their imaginary "solutions."

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i will look for her on YouTube. cheers!

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The throwing of Israel under the bus is now blatant -total rejection of Israel.'s need to root out Hamas in Ramah, a ceasefire now with zero about returning the hostages and all about Israel protecting Hamas if it plans to attack Ramah

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Thank you !!! for your time and effort and accuracy and links and comprehensive coverage of the

day in THE SCROLL!!!

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Amen and Amen!

The Scroll is indispensable reporting!!!!!!

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IDF needs to enter Rafah and clear it out as soon as possible. We are not even half-way through the 2024 and our administration failed on all of its foreign relations initiatives, so the longer Israel waits the worse things will become. Israel lost the propaganda war long ago, who cares, it needs to win the actual war, and I hope it still can.

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At this point, anyone who who refuses to see that the utterly insane and pathological effort by the Obama-Biden administrations to aid, abet and empower Iran is, in reality, a joint effort in their shared true desire which is to destroy Israel, has to be someone who is well beyond willfully blind or ignorant, and now an accessory to the fact.

There can be no other explanation for it.

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Thanks for this. It’s chilling to watch this unfolding before our eyes.

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Just looking in the mirror at the 7 children and 3 adults US droned after disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Hypocrisy is unacceptable.

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Additional info about the 2,000lbs bombs. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/ben-rhodes-gives-away-the-game/

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