Jonathan Brown is the son-in-law of convicted and deported PIJ terrorist Sami Al -Arian who has also defended rape and slavery.

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Wow. Good catch. Also, though I hate gossip, this is from Reddit. Do NOT pass it around. Gossip is so awful.

"I met him during a graduate program and he was quite rude and argumentative to students, especially female ones. I have met a ton of Islamic scholars, classical and Western, and never experienced someone being so abrasive. He told a female student she was disrespectful for questioning him at the same time he was spewing a lot of misogyny.

For example, someone brought up a weak hadith, “Women are snares of Satan” and he said along the lines of it doesn’t matter if it’s fabricated because it’s true and good advice to men. "

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He also has a very juvenile, unprofessional presence on social media. Yet, somehow, despite cheerleading for terrorist organizations, harassing female students, justifying rape and slavery, and discrediting his employer on-line, Georgetown takes no action against him.

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Money honey. I've forgotten the name of the Saudi prince who endowed his chair. But the moment that money dries up all of these chairs disappear

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Biden Blinken Sullivan and Harris clearly are following the Obama playbook of throwing Israel undef the bus and appeasing terror

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Please keep up the good work of summarizing the world! עם ישראל חי

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The Democrats now are torn between nominating Shapiro as a means of reassuring the Jewish community but risk losing their wine base in doing so or if nominating Kelly being seen as having an anti Israel and anti Semitjc wine base Shapiro should was responsible for end running around the election laws in Pennsylvania should not be mentioned in the same breath as Joe Lieberman ZL

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Regarding the Quote of the Day

“Chikli…has broken with the practice of his predecessors by cultivating ties with nationalist parties and politicians in the West, seeing them as allies in a “civilizational struggle” between the “red-green alliance”—Islamists and progressives—and “the Judeo-Christian world.”

Every now and then absolute clarity finds its way to the surface.

Regarding The Sabaya

I have no argument with the writer’s conclusions but one sentence (see below) begs a question: Why would the IDF settle on a watered down translation?

“These are the sabaya (which the IDF, when circulating the video, translated as “women who can get pregnant”), these are the Zionists,”

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"Tufekci, a sociologist by training, with no background in public health, published an article confidently proclaiming 'the science is clear that masks work'.”

What are the chances that, today, a female "sociologist" will not be a social justice warrior and a pawn for totalitarian state power?

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The video clearly shows Kamala Harris either as lost as the President is, or milking his befuddlement in an attempt to boost herself into the Oval Office ahead of the election. Jill, where are you?

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