We now see that Obama's strategy of purging the Democratic Party of moderates and supporters of Israel from any influence has been achieved via the selection of the most woke ticket in party history that is focused on race, gender and climate . This ticket has the unique combination of Harris who encouraged and bailed out rioters and Walz who stood by during riots and who was one of the most far left governors on a wide range of policies. Shapiro was window dressing designed to make the Jewish community think it had some influence left in the party together with moderates. The article on the obvious decline of the New Yorker was superb !

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The New Yorker has decided to go down in flames by the looks of it.

I did enjoy reading it decades ago, but didn’t even realize it was still in print.

I think part of the problem is people are just incredibly more stupid than ever before.

Just Look at who populates all the so-called positions of power or influence these days - they’re all so utterly and shockingly dumb.

America has been on an ever accelerating trajectory of mass “dumbing down” for decades and leaving ruins in its wake.

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Another reason Harris skipped Shapiro for VP: he completely outshines her. I saw a clip of Shapiro speaking and thought, "this guy should be the presidential candidate, not Harris!"

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Shapiro may be a loyal soldier and if Harris loses, he positions himself as a candidate in 2028.

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Walz was picked as a counter to Vance, who’s life story, roots and message they know is resonating with regular Americans across many socio-economic and demographic lines.

How they think “Tampon Tim”, (a nickname reference to a law he signed allowing tampon machines in boys bathrooms, amongst many other outrageous things he’s done), even comes from the same universe as Vance shall be interesting to watch.

To me, he comes off as quite buffoonish, while all in on selling his soul to the highest bidder.

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Walz's ditching service in the Iraq war after more than 20 years in the National Guard will not play well in the Midwest-fHe would hardly be the first Democrat to have falsified their military records ( Kerry, Blumenfeld)

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Hillbilly Elegy! Duh, you can't out rural JD Vance. Growing up in Ohio and Kentucky with a mother addicted to pills. Vance joined the Marines in 2003 and served as a combat correspondent – or military journalist – until 2007, according to military news site Task & Purpose. Vance was in Iraq 6 months.

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Any governor who tells his constituency to rat on their neighbors for not wearing a mask during Covid demonstrates his dictatorial inclination. That behavior is inborn.

In the case of Mr. Walz, who claims to be a Protestant, is in actuality, a communist.

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Maybe the Hamas Shura council picked Sinwar because none of them want to get blown up in their beds, and they probably think he’s a dead man walking anyway.

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The New Yorker piece is extraordinarily well done and much appreciated!

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This poll may very well be an important indicator of the depth of Trump's support and force the DNC to spend money where they the state was solidly blue.

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For more evidence of the anti Israel bias prevalent at the New Yorker see this articlehttps://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-radicalization-of-israels-military?utm_source=The+Forward+Association&utm_campaign=7859a58b93-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_12_01_04_25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-1323d6a1cf-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D This article and its subject spell it out too well-The Religious Zionists should serve but they should not change the secular leftist, defeatist, and overly self confident ethos that led to the near catastrophes of October 1973 or October 2023.

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I lost my faith in THE NEW YORKER's fact-checking—not to mention their Israel-related coverage— back when David Remnick wrote about FAUDA: https://www.erikadreifus.com/2017/09/an-open-letter-to-the-new-yorker-on-its-fauda-coverage/.

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I was shocked to learn that the Democrats picked Timmy Walz as their candidate for VP, but then I'm often wrong about these things. After some reflection, I can see that Timmy has championed all the most important Democrat causes: unlimited abortion, sex change surgery for children, and illegal immigration. Under his rule Minnesota is now a sanctuary state for these despicable enterprises. And with Timmy at her side Kamala has someone to finish her sentences for her.

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The New Yorker has had an “anti Zionist” lean for a while and is mainly why I dropped my subscription a few years ago. Amazing and sad to see how much worse they’ve become.

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The thought that Iran wants “regional stability” is the most insane thing anyone could ever possibly believe even for a second. It would be laughable if it weren’t being pushed as an actual foreign policy priority of this delusional Obama/ Biden administration.

They want Israel dead and gone, and they’ll just move on from there any way and anywhere they can, Saudi Arabia, the USA, you name it!

They’ve even said so themselves!

They need to be obliterated.

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Regional stability is Foggy Bottomese for appeasement

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It’s BS.

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It is an utterly failed reprehensible and evil policy

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It’s always seemed to me more like a diabolical plan than a policy between Obama and the Iranians.

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