The David Samuels piece is must reading on Obama and his methods

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Obama and his ilk are geniuses in understanding the importance of words and phrases. They create shibboleths and repeat them ad infinitum.

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Agreed. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the utter craziness of our society in the last few decades.

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kudos on the IAF turning Yemen into the Stone Age

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Where the hell is Europe? Seems like free navigation through the Red Sea and not around Africa would be in their self-interest!

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The legacy media cover up with respect to Biden’s mental state has seriously reduced its credibility and underscored its bias on all issues .

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Is there any treasonous activity by Biden handlers for how they governed by committee due to Joe’s incapacity? Seems like at minimum, an update to the (1967 passed) 25th Amendment is in order. We have an example of the Vice President and POTUS cabinet placing party over country by not making public, Constitutional defined declaration of Presidential inabilities. If Biden cannot form his own sentences, he should vacate the presidency, immediately. We have US missiles guided by US satellites landing in Russian territory. Who is authorizing this?! Who authorizes the 2,000 US troops in Syria? Who is actually behind all these disgusting pardons? Biden has effectively ‘quit’ and a f*ck load of this country (and every Democrat) simply shrugs their shoulders.

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I think that a good case can be made that Biden’s cabinet has been running the country in conjunction with Obama

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Brilliant analysis by David Samuels. Kudos.

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The Israeli campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon was the stuff out of history books - “Operation Beeper” might be one out of a sci-fi novel!!

The fact that from the beginning of the war in 2023, nearly every bit of the “intelligence” - both US and Israeli - has always seemed so heavily weighted against Israel - and then proved flat out wrong for the most part - cannot be a coincidence, as the results have turned out to be so stunningly in the reverse.

Netanyahu’s boldness, courage and determination to protect the State of Israel against a tidal wave of opposition from all sides, is itself one for the history books.

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The Scroll's features concerning the Biden administration and the Obama political machine present considered perspectives on the unfolding of U.S. history during the past ten years.

It may just be that the reason that people have been feeling that they have been deceived is that, indeed, they have been deceived. To that may be added the emotional burden that the medicalized authoritarianism that the Covid-19 pandemic imposed on the nation. And to that may be added the pressure to just plain shut up lest you lose your livelihood for speaking in other than hagiographic terms about select public figures.

"Uncomfortable" is the hyperbole of timorous souls such as me. I am "uncomfortable" about all that has transpired both publicly and in secret over the past decade.

I hope that many will read these pieces and that they, too, will find that they are "uncomfortable."

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David Samuels’ article, “Rapid-Onset Political Enlightenment”, is nothing short of extraordinary!

I’ve always said, it is one thing that people like Obama and his ilk are cunning and crafty and downright malevolent, but, thank the good Lord above, they are also mostly stupid.

When you think you are the always the smartest person in the room, and that all those who disagree with you are nothing more than ignorant rubes, you fall prey to all sorts of delusions of grandeur and unparalleled self-deception. Inevitably it becomes quite clear to those on the outside, these “Emperors” have no clothes.

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It is a fact that the deteriorating physical and mental state of Joe Biden from right out of the gate was no mystery to anyone with half a brain, and which only grew increasingly worse during the length of his administration.

But the entire escapade is one that must be addressed in some official and Constitutional manner.

The Constitution itself provides a very specific mechanism, the 25th amendment, as what the government needs to do when a duly elected President, due to some level of impairment or incapacitation, is deemed unable to fulfill his or her duties.

This mechanism was willfully ignored, time and again, when it was beyond crystal clear that this was the case for Biden. And not just ignored, but denied, lied about, and covered up.

But worst of all, the people were deprived of knowing exactly which UNELECTED and UNACCOUNTABLE people it was who were actually running their government, and making life and death decisions for them here and in the world.

Somehow, someway it should be a paramount priority for the next Congress to hold these people to account for having hijacked the office of the President in order to pursue their own aims.

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Sachs made logical points in other interviews I'd seen, had not seen the homologation of zio-obamist prior to here, the brilliant writing of the Scroll continues unabated. I'd presumed that Israel was so devious as to do G.I. alone but now that Obama is involved, that's some Finkelsheimer analysis.

I cite your article often on Tucker's father & appreciated.

Two Chinese engineers were caught in the tunnels of Gaza 9 or so months ago and released under pressure, any updates?

One of the manifestations of Obama policy was the second biggest embassy in the US Network in Beirut sitting on 40 acres with 15,000 employees that c/wouldn't find multiple wanted's with $$ rewards jihadis for decades, would love to see that unraveled in time

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No past tense, please. Biden is still president of the United States.

Much as I disrelish Kamala Harris as a person and politician, it is (still) imperative (as it apparently has been since January 20, 2021) that she convene the Cabinet for a 25th Amendment process.

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