These reports offer a most fascinating perspective of the ongoing theater of the absurd a/k/a the DNC.

This is particularly on point:

“ The strategy, clearly, is to go as long as possible without saying anything definitive on anything, in the hopes that good “vibes” and adulatory media coverage will be enough to push the campaign over the finish line. ”

That is indubitably their plan and strategic hope. Just how she’ll be able to successfully dodge at least one debate with Trump is anyone’s guess, knowing it would in all likelihood be an absolute disaster for her, (although they’d be sure she had the questions well in advance, if not write them themselves).

But no way can Walz go AWOL on at least one debate with Vance which should be interesting to say the least.

In any case, 70+ days is a looong time to keep dodging the press. That behavior too conveys its own message, perhaps not the one they’re counting on.

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It would normally be a long time to keep dodging the press. But when the press is so willing to be dodged, I'm not at all sure that it's impossible, or even unlikely.

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Good point!

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It is not 70 days. Early voting starts in Mid September, and the vast majority of Democrats

and Democrat voting independents will vote early. It is mostly Trump voters who will vote on election day because they don't want the possibility of Dem apparatchiks rejecting the signatures on their mail-in ballots. So, she only has to keep it up for about 45 days, and that is doable.

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All true, particularly with the press going along as the cooperative sycophants that they are.

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"The vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that's bitter and divided."

And yet, the Democrats' plan for mitigating this bitterness and division doesn't seem to involve respectful exchange, debate, or compromise. It instead seems to be only to censor, shut down, paper over, and simply refuse to engage with the legitimate and pressing concerns of half the electorate.

And the legacy press cheers this on.

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Noone should be fooled by what is transpiring at this so called convention-we are seeing the complete marginalization of moderates and supporters for Israel who like medieval Morannos must meet in secret locations because they are afraid of anti Semitic mobs.

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"Maybe joy is a feeling that comes in anticipation of holding power."

Think that's part of it. And I think it's the idea that their side is the avatar of all that is good and when they win, there will be the comfort of winning and having power and the joy that come from defeating the Republicans who they are sure are the avatar of darkness.

And as you mention the fact is Trump is a negative force. I'd prefer anyone other than him had received the nomination, or he would pay attention to advisers that would show him how to clean up his message, which he won't.

"Maybe the idea of rapid, unstoppable social transformation under the guise of civic peace is itself dishonest and embittering."

So true. But Democrats live in a bubble and have no idea how far culture has drifted. It's all change and change is good as we move toward the progressive utopia.

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His Airness - that's pretty good.

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How is VIJ getting government money to counter fed and state government functions?

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