If there was real interest in minimizing CO2 emission among the elites, they'd be building nuclear plants to replace fossil fuels instead of just pushing renewable energy.

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Great Job MILLENIALCEL!! Succinct and right, proper and correct!! The left is full of IT and they can't show any data, because it doesn't exist!!

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Climate change is predicated on "research" at the East Anglia lab that was juggled to meet a predetermined conclusion-it is junk science of the worst kind and is destructive to our economic future, social mobility and national security, It is the third major element of American Marxism, the other two being that America is systemically racist , and gender fluidity

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It is part of a larger problem of society - conversations based on limited knowledge and expertise between people who are deaf and dumb. Such as was the case with Covid and virtually every other major issue. Until arrogant, uncritical thinking is replaced by modesty and real science, especially but not only at our universities, things will continue to deteriorate.

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Global Cooling circa 1975ish to 1980ish! Followed by Global Warming 1980ish to 1995ish, Climate Change 1995ish to the present!! One hoax afer another, because the public ignores these things, because they are based on JUNK science and leftist totalitarian tendencies!

Forget about the tens of thousands of jobs lost or destroyed by this none-sense. An Inconvenient Truth full of crap!! Al Gore Miami will be flooded and underwater by 2020!! Has anyone been in Miami Beach lately no flooding absolute none sense from beginning to end!! By the way has anyone ever seen Barack Obama's new mutlti-million dollar mansion on Martha's Vineyard at sea level just a few hundred feet from the Atlantic shore!! If the leftists really believed in this CRAP they wouldn't be buying millions of dollars of REAL ESTATE at sea level see Whoopi Goldberg's house in Florida next to the seashore and Pelosi's also in Florida next to the shore as well!

Climate none sense is all about control nothing ELSE!! As mentioned in the article where is the left's support for NUCLEAR POWER No Where!! Lets call a Spade a Spade the left is full of CRAP and everyone knows IT!!

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You sound an angry person. In this multi-billion-years old universe today is your only time, so enjoy it. Anger kills.

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Not angry, just able to see through bull when I hear it and see it! Especially, when the same people keep on yelling the same bull from the time I was 16 till I´m 63 and so far their claims are just that claims, no real evidence, so not angry! It is just that I'm tired of hearing the same old alarmism and bull with no real evidence to back it UP!!

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Anyone who is not worried about climate change, based on what is happening now, is either not paying attention or in denial. Denial is being promoted largely by the fossil fuel industry, which has spent hendreds of millions over the past few decades for this purpose. This is certainly junk science as several scietists have weighed in on dismissing the threats that are already evident all over the planet. That this has been made into a political issue is utterly irresponsible. The comments that are obviously from the right wing of politics are ideological and make no sense whatever. Marxism? Really?

BTW I greatly approeciate The Tablet inviting comments.

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I'm Jewish just because your a Rabbi doesn't mean you know anything about the climate more than I do!! Stop flouting your religious credentials!! Most likely from a left wing congregation who don't even, believe in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!!

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Give me the hard facts and scientific data!! I have been hearing this since I was 16 I'm now 63.. Some hard data please not just, because you or Al Gore say, so!!

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Of course the climate is changing. It always has and always will. The problem is that there is conflicting evidence as to how much is due to man's activity, and, just as in the earlier nuclear winter debate, these claims are highly exaggerated. Needless to say, so are the resulting claims that we can make a real difference to these changes by our actions. Those proposing drastic changes are subjecting us to a massive waste of funds and state intervention in the name of a pretty crude hypothesis. The statist takeover of much of individual decisionmaking is indeed a neo-Marxist phenomenon. Not so simple, Rabbi Bentley

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Great job the Rabbi is flouting his religious credentials which is just like the Reform movement of the far left!!

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Michael Schellenberger speaks and writes to this general sentiment brillianty. His book "Apocalypse Never" is outstanding.

I also find it very odd that the other side of climate change (sudden global cooling caused by nuclear weapon use) is rarely discussed if ever. This is even though a big nuclear war could happen this afternoon which--if models and Toon/Robock/etc are right, of course--billions could starve to death within months. We also, in our myopic climate neurosis, seemed to forget about other much more pressing catastrophic risks than just nuclear war. Pandemic preparedness that isn't totalitarian, for example.

Thanks for this piece Katherine ✌

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I might be wasting my time trying to reason with people who send comments like those on this thread, but I am doing it anyway.

Several have commented on my identifying myself as a rabbi and criticized that. I am a rabbi and it is my knowledge of Jewish tradition that governs my thinking, not politics. Environment is a scientific issue and an ethical issue, not the political issue some of you are claiming.

I have studied and published on Jewish environmental ethics for over fifty years. It is a basic belief from Torah that the Creator gave humanity everything it needs to live. We were put in charge, noit as owners, but as caretakers (Genesis 2:15). The Maavar Yabbok preached on Rosh Hashanah in 1610 saying that not only is all of humanity judged on that day, but nature as well. How is it judged? That is based on how humans treat Creation. Halakhah (Jewish law) forbids waste and destruction (bal tashhhit).

In decades of Jewish environmental conferences I have noted that participants came from all branches of Jewish faith ranging from secular to Hasidic. The Breslovers made it central to their spirituality to connect with nature so many Breslovers are environmentalists. This is not a Reform thing and certainly not a leftist thing.

Mr. Toledo, if you actually want the science, it is not hard to find it. Check out any science publication, especially Scientific American, to learn the science. Your comments about me personally reflect the fact that you do not know who I am or what I know or what I believe - that's lasbhon hara, if that means anything to you.

Mr. Lithwick, indeed there is some disagreement about climate change, especially as to the anthropogenesis of the current situation, which is very dire already. So, to you, I'll just say that this is my opinion based on decades of study. The science that backs my opinion is anything but "crude." I do agree this is a very complex issue, but I see that there is a link between the activities of 8 billion human beings and what happens to our planet.

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I notice a total lack of any reference to any data or indication that CO2 is NOT causing rapid climate change.

Sometimes the fact that searching Google News finds an overwhelming number of articles saying similar things is a good indication that that thing is real.

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You should have some concern about climate and the possibility of significant human influence upon it, without any prejudice as to whether this is actually the case. In other words, pay some attention but don't panic.

Then read books by Michael Shellenberger and Bjorn Lomborg, for example. If you want something technical, try Essex & McKitrick's Taken By Storm, now in paperback, second edition!

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A recent excellent example of how the global warming "experts" got it wrong with respect to the Great Barrier Reef. See link: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/uncharted-territory-great-barrier-reef-report-piles-pressure-on-labor-s-climate-target-20220803-p5b6wc.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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