There should only and ever be one ceasefire deal: the unconditional surrender of Hamas, (which should include those leaders “living abroad”!),

and the release of every hostage, living and dead.

Anything short of those terms is beyond folly.

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Absolutely spot on!

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Let’s see what happens with the latest round of ceasefire/hostage return talks.

Democrats never miss an opportunity to raise money from a tragic event

One should note that the powers running LA refused any assistance from a great fire department the NYFD

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Many voters in California realize and do our best to change the tide where we can, but the dems have deep talons and have, over time, amended the rules to make it hard to oust many of them for someone with an alternate perspective. There isn't one among them that I would trust. Even the ones who might occassionally have an alternate thought get sucked into the group think. It's a deplorable show. This is what popular vote without representation gets you.

PS: Hollywood and all it's minions are so boring! Nothing about what they do and who they are is entertaining anymore. Sad.

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Whenever you think the Left cannot go lower, they manage to plumb ever deeper depths of scumbaggery and skullduggery and go even lower. They truly emanate from a bottomless hell.

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Words displayed when Act Blue is entered to a thesaurus?


All right…

The thesaurus doesn’t actually recognize a query for Act Blue so I kinda winged those responses. But if it did recognize the organization, I’m sure my responses would be close.

Don’t ya think?

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Not sure I would quote The Times of Israel about anything as they have taken a sharp left turn

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Rather insane to listen to your reporting than an American representative of trump pressured Netanyahu to compromise 🤷

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That was in the times of Israel which has become very leftist so I no longer trust their reporting

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What happened to “The Back Pages”? I used to like that more in-depth article at the end of the scroll, but it’s not there.

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It's usually included. I saw the reference to it but it wasn't a link. I'll just go to Tablet's website to look for it; I like Walter Russell Mead!

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Thanks for the info🙏🙏 "EXTRATERRESTRIAL SIGHTINGS AND BIBLICAL END TIMES", to read more, pls visit👇https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Washington Post death isn’t going to be the only Marxist outlet to kick the bucket. Lie to the public like they have and happy to dance on their grave.

Bibi is a neocon of the highest order. This leopard can’t and won’t change his spots. Hope Trump doesn’t fall into his snare like others have.

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Neocon is a Finkelsheimer Midwit word used to describe derogatorily someone who fights back against the sword of Islam wielded by its 57 Nations and hordes of easily triggered followers. Sub meaning those who aren't hostile to Jews and call out islamics on their jihad or more specifically those who are Jewish who choose to be active as Republicans.

I'd call that participatory American governance without the stupid label. America's first war was against Islam and the Barbary pirates.

Sharia law adherence ought to be a admittance test to this great unique pluralistic nation but instead groups including Lutheran Brotherhood and Catholic charities the United States through its loopholes to adhere to United Nations rules which don't adhere to American rules and are thus extra national and thus traitorous to comply to. Obama was a supplier of somalis to Minneapolis where we now have 100,000 and more terror convictions than any other city in the country.

Ilhan Omar is the Mogadishu representative dwelling in Minneapolis who gets arrested with her daughter for being a leftist Islamic socialist agitator.

She got in the face of a government official that you would label as a neocon years ago and called him a liar after he pointed out truths

Taquiya is an Islamic concept of lying to promote Islam which most Democrats go along with but you worry about your neocons.

Netanyahu is leading the only Jewish nation in fighting back against Islam yet retards lament and kvetch more 😵

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Plus Bibi is Jewish. I’ve. Amiright?

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It’s a systemic problem, corruption, ego, and misplaced ideology, ruining blue cities

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