“ Emissions from wildfires, which are considered “exceptional events,” don’t count.”

So, they get a pass from the EPA when a huge chunk of the state and thousands of peoples homes, cars and businesses burn down, but not for any efforts which might need to be taken in order to prevent such a catastrophic occurrence from happening.

Obviously, someone is just making up all these absurd regulations Willy-nilly as they go along. It’s like a freaking game to them.

They truly are certifiably insane.

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Seriously? They'd rather risk out-of-control fires than eliminate combustible growth through controlled burns because it will ding their environmental compliance numbers. As we say in the South, you can't make this s$%t up.

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“ fulfilling the long-nurtured Obama-Biden dream of placing a fictional executive in charge of the fictional Mediterranean country.”


C’mon man, as Obama’s American fictional character has been wont to say, how stupid do you think we all really are?

It’s like a Shakespearean tragedy/ comedy play.

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The charges and imprisonment of Ari Rosenfeld should be ended immediately.

His having gone over the heads of his immediate superiors directly to Netanyahu with intelligence they were not going to pass on to the Prime Minister, is exactly what unfortunately no one else thought to do, or was able to do, on October 6, 2023, when information about Hamas activities in Gaza was reported just hours before they attacked and the IDF brass then too, most tragically chose not to pass it on to Netanyahu.

By arresting Ari Rosenfeld, they actually double-down on their own seriously criminal behavior, using a military regulation for cover, when, in reality, they are guilty of the far more grievous crimes, which resulted in the tragic consequences of Oct 7th because of their egregious acts of defiance and dereliction of their sworn oaths and duties.

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The fires in LA clearly were caused by the policies of environmental radicals and the response by the municipal authorities shows that the response either does not constitute a major issue in their mind or one that is way beyond their pay scale in formulating proper policy

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Compare the response of Florida led by DeSantis to Newsome

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The fires fueled by Devils Wind in LA area have been occurring since time began. The charcoal record for the past 560 years shows at least 20 major fires in the Santa Barbara basin. Pack more and more people into dry brush desert and this is bound to occur. It will happen again and again, too. There is no stopping this. This is Mother Earth doing her thing and we mere humans thinking again we are in control. We’re not. If you want to politicize this that’s your right. But IMO, it’s wrong to do so. Live in this area and live with the risk. A tossed cigarette or an errant lightning strike + 100mph winds, low humidity and lots of tinder and this can occur. There isn’t much one can do. Read here about the 1961 Bel Air Fire. The documentary the LA Fire Department put out about in aftermath said this would occur again and it would pose a serious problem even under the best of conditions.


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On the other hand s responsible fire prevention policy would involve clearing out that tinder.a fully funded fire dept would help and hiring the best vs the best of a correct color/gender/etc would help too.

We might not be able to stop a fire starting but we absolutely can control how large it gets after and this is where Cali has been failing for decades.

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The failure of government to do the right thing always has terrible consequences

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I’m sorry, but I do not see how on God’s good earth anyone, with a straight face, can even find a correlation, much less causation between fluoride levels in drinking water and IQ levels, when there can be more than a billion possible other contributing factors from a plethora of sources and for any multitudinous number of reasons.

It is absurd on its face.

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The studies compare places that have fluoride in public water, with places that don't. There might be confounding factors, which must be controlled, but the idea that the argument is absurd on its face is not reasonable.

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Perhaps that was a bit “broad brush”, of me, but as you say, the confounding factors which would need to be controlled in order to arrive at such a conclusion, are legion, and, I believe, almost impossible to quantify, much less control for.

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One way to control a wide range of possible influences is randomization. If the cases compared are large numbers from real life, the various influences are likely to be spread evenly between the control and experimental groups. The use of fluoride in public water is in many places across the country, and so are public water systems that do not use it, so that geographical, economic, ethnic, and cultural factors are likely to even out among the many cases in each category.

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I believe it is a targeted pursuit of a desired end goal. Why they’ve decided to go after fluoride as the new culprit, is the question.

But bottom line is benefits far outweigh its downside, and even their own purported study shows negligible downside.

As a personal observation, there’s the age old comparison between American’s teeth and those of countries who do not fluoridate which shows a marked benefit for decades. Maybe the Dental Industrial Complex just wants more Americans with bad teeth?j/k…sort of.

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Re: the JAMA meta analysis: could there be any other common chemicals present in the water of these other countries? Perhaps it is another naturally occurring substance that causes lower IQ? If the studies only looked at fluoride, they might be missing something else present in the water that is the actual culprit. Just wondering. I did not read the study. I’ll assume they studied all the chemicals in all the water samples.

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Gadi Taub’s visit to Damascus would be something to watch… no offense, Mike.

“Israel Update: As (insert adjective here) as possible under the circumstances…”

Best tagline ever.

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RFK Jr. must NOT be confirmed. For every good idea he has, he has 100 crackpot or dangerous or tyrannical ideas. Also, scientific studies from China are worth less even than studies from the US. Believe them at your own peril.

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For the facts about the fires in LA and how Trump gets it all wrong:


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Anything from CNN must be true.

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Okay, this is from the LA Times, not CNN:

Trump is apparently claiming that water that could be used to fight the fires has been diverted to protect the endangered Delta smelt. But the water systems in California are complicated, and importing water from northern California would make no difference for the wildfires.

Los Angeles water doesn’t come from northern California. It comes from an aqueduct east of the Sierra Nevada, from groundwater, and from the Colorado River. Right now, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has more water stored than it has ever had before, according to Mark Gold, a board member. “It’s not a matter of having enough water coming from Northern California to put out a fire,” he told Alastair Bland of CalMatters. “It’s about the continued devastating impacts of a changing climate.”

Hydroclimatologist Peter Gleick told Taryn Luna, Liam Dillon, and Alex Wigglesworth of the Los Angeles Times that Trump’s linking of water policy to the raging fires was “blatantly false, irresponsible and politically self-serving.”

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