Didn't Burns of the CIA hire an Iranian asset who was tied to the Tides Foundation and Malley who was actually the person who gave Biden his daily security briefing (forgot her name)? So it's not so hard to believe that his goal is to punish Israel for having the nerve to fight back. So Biden is doing what Biden does best, f**k everything up. Only this time he really is going to end up causing WW3 by not letting Israel finish what she started. He will go down in history next to Neville Chamberlain.

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It is heartbreaking to read about this Administration’s manipulation of Israel. I find Tablet’s Israel Updates with Gadi Taub and Mike Doran of Hudson Institute incredibly invigorating and somewhat uplifting, despite a considerable degree of crushing morocity. I am hoping Israel is smart and resourceful enough to outsmart its enemies....

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The Back Page story regarding universities allowing antisemitism on their campuses made everything so clear to me.

It’s all about the “bengies “.


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Re: “ Harvard’s Derek Penslar Helps Make the World Safer for Antisemitism”

Penslar’s reaction, and those of his ilk, to even the word Zionism reminds me of Obama’s visceral reaction, (and those of his ilk), to even hearing the expression “American exceptionalism”.

He so despises even so much as the notion of it, it can send him into flourishes of nonsensical, analogical exhortations of utter irrationality!

Kinda funny to watch, but such reveals the depths of the man’s hatred for his own country.

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The wholesale and relentless efforts by the O’Biden administration to overtly sabotage Israel’s war effort for its very survival, along with its complicity in protecting the utterly vile, parading terrorists inhabiting our colleges and universities, is beyond stunning.

You think you really hate these people until you realize you don’t hate them nearly enough.

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Biden is using the Obama playbook to reward the perpetrators of 10/7 and to punish its victims-Israel

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Every time you see the name William Burns remember this, per WSJ:

“William Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency since 2021, had three meetings scheduled with Epstein in 2014”

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