In 2nd phase, Hamas will relinquish authority. I laugh.

What about the rest of the hostages?

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And how about “unconditional surrender” including the immediate release of all of the hostages instead of this mealy-mouthed, meaningless “relinquishing authority” along with the slow and even more torturous drip, drip negotiated release of hostages piecemeal, which only results in an ever more perpetual series of so-called negotiations?!

I just cannot understand why that has not been Israel’s #1 condition to end this war from the get-go.

The emotion over the welfare of the hostages has only managed to prolong and curtail the military objectives of this war: destroy Hamas.

While I can and do wholeheartedly sympathize with the incomprehensible suffering of both the hostages and their families, this apparent “doctrine” of freeing them first at the expense of everything else, including the very future existence of the entire State of Israel, is at the least misguided, but also precisely what the savages hoped for - no, planned for- by taking them in the first place. It was their “get out of jail free card” and they damn well knew Israel would fall for it.

That Israel doesn’t seem want to acknowledge that it will only always result in more hostages, and a never ending cycle of negotiations which all only serve Hamas’ interests is beyond me.

It is a horrid and diabolical position to be put in, yes. But if you want to put an end to it, you have to stop playing their game.

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The proposed ceasefire will result in what happened in Lebanon with Israel's military options further jeopardized.

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I don't if odds are being taken in Vegas on this but the scenario at this much ballyhooed press conference are simple. What are the odds of Biden gracefully bowing out based on his consulting his family who are his closest advisors or declaring very angrily that he is in the race to stay, despite pressure from the so called "elites" who deserted him after the debate ?

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