The elites consider everyone at that rally to be deplorable. Labeling heroes like Corey Comperatore as such shows us who the real deplorables are. The loss of Mr. Comperatore is devastating for his family, and is a loss for all of us who value real Americans.

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I’ve no doubt DJT will attend Corey’s funeral and/or memorialize him. It has to be now. We are now dealing in primal forces.

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Agreed. He will be there, just as he was at the train derailment in Palestine, Ohio long before any of Permanent Washington showed up.

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It would be a healing step to our country if Biden showed up to funeral alongside Trump + immediately announced assignment of Secret Service detail to RFK Jr.

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He didn't visit any of the wounded in the hospital, so, no.

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One of THE best summations I’ve ready anywhere about the entire event.

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I agree!

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Donald Trump is Legend. What a f*cking badass.

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Mr Comperatore is a true American hero who sacrificed his life to save his family

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What decent person brings his family to a rally inciting violence?

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Trump 2024


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This is parody, right? "The left tried to bankrupt Trump"? He didn't need anyone's help, he managed that just fine all by himself, multiple times. And "take his balls"? Are we serious right now?

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Tey to keep up, Levy.

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Succinct observations … it does indeed seem destiny, the gods, God (if you believe) … you generalized it very well, Park. The more they work against him and us, the more history coalesces in unpredictable ways … Machiavelli wrote of those who attempt to intervene in the course of events (e.g. the egregious Norman Eisen and his feverishly active lawfare, Obama, the IC) learn to their dismay that they destroy their own cause and effect the very opposite of what they intend …

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Thanks! I plan to be braver!

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To be sure, assigning clear "political" motives to the shooter is a mug's game. But the political rhetoric has become superheated; it's no surprise the crazies get drawn into such a depleted atmosphere.

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I live in a wholly liberal NYC suburb, but I am republican and have been a Trump supporter from the beginning. I'm ashamed of myself for choosing to keep my Trump support on the down-low. No flag, bumper sticker or yard sign. I feel like a complete coward in the aftermath of his bravery.

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You probably don’t advertise your views because for years Trump supporters have been demonized and caricatured and dehumanized. Who wants to submit themselves to the glares and the abuse? But maybe this insane thing that happened should serve as inspiration for all of us to be a little braver.

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The author is right to compare Trump to Napoleon, a man with a massive ego, huge ambitions, and spot-on political instincts. Napoleon's wars and aggressions destroyed the peace of Europe and led to the deaths of thousands if not millions of souls. Let us pray that Trump does not do the same.

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Trump is the poster boy for the vast machinery of wealth and power. Economists predict his policies will add to the debt by 5 trillion dollars. I hope he ends up like Napoleon, only exiled to a Motel 6; or better yet, Motel 3.

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This is a joke right? This man is a racist, opportunist and hate monger and has created the environment where this type of behavior as an answer to your ills is acceptable. He is evil and don’t believe a word he says.

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If the dead guy was such an exemplary parent and husband, what was he doing taking his family to a Trump rally?

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Trump despite the lawfare waged against him is now a living martyr in this election which increasingly looks like 1968

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What has happened to this magazine? You have all but put on a crown of thorns on the former president. You used to offer balanced coverage. What happened on Saturday was horrible. There wijll be many questions about security to answer and heads will roll. The christification of the former president is very uncomely for a Jewish publication and is probably more about the influence of Christian Nationalism on certain conservative members of the Jewish world.

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