Beautiful story in the Back Pages today.

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Unfortunately the high brass in the IDF may very well be overreacting to a claim by a Hamas prisoner that he was allegedly abused in custody as opposed to doing what it takes to win the war against Hamas snd deal with Hezbollah and Iran

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Israel should send a heavy duty message to Iran , the state sponsor of Hezbollah and the manufacturer of the rocket in question that Iran is responsible , not its puppet Hezbollah.

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If I were in Netanyahu’s cabinet, I would propose instituting a massive covert/overt worldwide media blitz campaign, with a flurry of quotes and statements from “unnamed or anonymous” and “well placed sources” along with purported “leaks” coming from both sides inside the Israeli government, as well as those of a “large majority” of voices throughout a wide spectrum of the Israeli public sphere, that:

“the behavior of this US Administration is tantamount to acting as an ‘accomplices after the fact’ to Israel’s enemies by their exerting constant pressure to curtail Israel’s right to defend itself against barbaric aggressors, most especially its egregious withholding of vital weaponry it knows Israel needs to defend itself from its enemies and protect its very existence.”

I would make sure that list of the weaponry being withheld made its way into every newspaper, tv news program, website and social media platform around the world and would be relentless in this effort, in order to exert maximum pressure - and embarrassment- upon the Biden /Harris administration, ESPECIALLY now during this peak election season, exposing their faux support of Israel, all with the aim of getting that weaponry fast-tracked to Israel.

The power of public opinion during an election campaign can have powerful effects.

Strike while the iron is hot. And let’s just see how “iron clad” their so-called support really is.

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There are numerous Iranian targets of opportunity both inside Lebanon and and Iran that should be taken out now

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So the residents of the North can’t return “for a couple of years” while Israel waits to attack Hezbollah?

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These groups of Harris supporters all of whom were avid Biden supporters before the debate, should be called the Committtee for the Preservation of "Our Democracy"

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