Lee Smith's article on the Obama led and dominated Democratic Party is must reading as it indicates that the party has clearly marched to the far left-You can bet that the platform will prattle on about support of Israel and for a two state solution as if 10/7 had never happened.

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The Israelis raided Beirut and may very well have eliminated a major Hezbollah figure-Good riddance-

When Democrats who are bankrolled by Soros, Ford Foundation, Hollywood and Big Tech suddenly complain about a conservative think tank that is what is called the pot calling the kettle black or rank hypocrisy

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The Scroll is an invaluable compendium of necessary current information. Thank you.

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Lee Smith is unfortunately spot on. Feeling it today … a first … the why even bother to fight feeling

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Can someone please explain to me why the United States is the only democracy with a two party system? In Canada, we have five. European democracies also have multiple parties. What insanity to believe that a country of over 350 million people have only two choices?

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From a Canadian citizen: Given the broken state of Canada today, and the choices of Canadian voters over the last ten years, are you seriously holding Canada up as a model?

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