Justine, chilling back pages story you told, and ever thankful you are to have dodged Graves. What a disgusting creep. My wife had a camera placed under her apartment couch by a stalking co-worker before I met her. He served time, but the whole episode still haunts her. Even today some 25 years on the blinds have to be completely closed when she dresses/undresses. I don't think she ever thought of herself as a #metoo victim, but I'm going to share your story with her because I think she is. Blessings

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So GLAD the Daily Scroll is back 👏

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Hear hear!! I second that!! 👏👏

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I haven't seen the mainstream media turn on a Democratic President with such negative reportage since the media turned on LBJ , who was instrumental in passing civil rights legislation and the Great Society , over Vietnam. This rapid turn by the mainstream media which covered for Biden because the media approved of his policies was solely caused by the disastrous debate and in turn led to all of the murmurings and comments by Democrats in Congress. Assuming that Biden does an LBJ or the equivalent, then Harris would be the nominee and the ticket would probably look to Newsome or even Whitmer ( two regulate thee but not me types). Don't worry about $ for Democrats-they are already raising millions to counteract that which was raised for Biden. Trump is smart to wait this out and then decide on a VP who could appeal to his base and independents.

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No matter what is spun by Biden and his loyalists-49 million people-larger than a Super Bowl audience saw the debate and a smaller number saw the interview with George Stephanopolous -Like it or not the Democrats can talk and leak as much from inside and outside of the Capitiol and on the mainstream media as they want-but this election looks like 1968 all over again with a decidedly unpopular President who is clearly not physically up to the demands of the job description of being the President of the US ,, vastly unpopular domestic and foreign policies, and increasing immigration related violent crime. These policies and their results are leading many members of many decidedly traditional Democratic constitutencies to either sit the election out or with or without holding their noses votie for Trump. The Democrats face as raucous a convention in Chicago both inside the hall and on the streets as they did in 1968 with their nominee quite unlikely to prevail especially in the absence of a third party candidate who split the Republican vote in 1968.

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All of Biden’s disastrous policies have not been his, they’ve been the continuation of the Obama administration’s. He has merely functioned as their useful idiot - quite literally - as just a figurehead President, and that, I believe, has been deliberate from the moment he was “selected” in 2020 to run against Trump. They had engineered mail-in balloting to steal the election, and the rest has been our recent history.

The current Revolution within the Democrat party is highly suspicious. Obama appears to be supporting him, and there is also a concerted effort by the White House faction to do likewise.

But the remarkably instantaneous and unison alignment of the media immediately after the debate was by no means organic. The Media does not do anything independently as they are wholly owned and operated by the Democrat machine. No, some very powerful entity gave the memo to them to institute a coup of their own installed President, which has ignited a major civil war within the entire Left. It is curious to me who has that kind of power over the entire media complex, and why did they start this war, and why now? Something’s afoot and it could be Obama himself is in the crosshairs.

We live in interesting times, and I don’t mean that in a good way.

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Excellent analysis-I should have mentioned that Biden's policies were a continuation of Obama's equally awful policies

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The key for Trump would be attack any Democratic nominee as being supportive and identfied with the progressive Biden agenda .

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