In addition to being as prepared as the US was before Pearl Harbor, the IDF is engaging in legal gymnastics in not pursusing those who perpetrated 10/7 solely because of concerns of international law. The IDF brass is more interested in the so called doctrine of the purity of arms than in doing what it tales to wage and win a successful war against the perpetrators of 10/7, regardless of collateral damage and losses to so called civilians who were part of what happened on that terrible date.

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Liel Lebowitz hits the nail on the head as to the issue of Haredi draft deferment. The secular left and the IDF have yet to show that the IDF will accept Haredi volunteers and accomodate their religious needs. Until that happens, this issue will be a political football, when in fact there is evidence on the ground that Charedim want to serve but that that their genuine religious concerns are ignored by the IDF establishment which seems more willing not to fight to win and to have a glass ceiling against hederniks becoming high ranking officers

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So the rebellion against Biden appears to be over-the major lesson is that this election is Trump's to lose based on his performance at the debate , the stonewalled questions as to Biden's clearly evident derteriorating physical condition and the terrible domestic and foreign polices of this administration as it attempted to implelent the progressive Obama agenda and stif;le all dissenting views in the process. Trump should stay on the attack on all of these issues . Assuming Biden loses, the Democrats will do what they did in 1968-change the rules and rid the party completely of any remaining moderates and supporters of Israel-which is the Obama agenda as supported by their cheerleaders in the mainstream media who hid Biden's condition from public display because Biden supported that agenda and now while questionning his fitness will surely fall into line wiith full tilt Trump Derangement Syndrome

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I had to to turn you off when I got to "Amit Segal, one of Israel’s finest journalists"...

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

I do not believe the civil war over Biden’s remaining or leaving is by any means over. What may have appeared one way yesterday is becoming definitively something else today.

Joe says he won’t go, and hasn’t budged. But more heavy hitters who were backing him have started to wobble.

There is a plan being disseminated to the DNC and party leaders (supposedly crafted by Obama acolytes like one of his old speechwriters and/or Axelrod as 2 of the possible authors), to get him declare he’s dropping out in a grand and pompous speech televised in mid-July, so the party has time to create what they’re calling a “Blitz-Primary” before the Convention which is when the “winner” and new contender against Trump will be announced.

Stay tuned!


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An avowed Anglophile, culturally, I am SO happy to learn that the Democrats (plus whatever percentage of invited visitors required to achieve victory) plan to install a King at the anticipated inauguration of JRB in 2025. Go, team!!! They will of course not yet have a Parliament, but I anticipate that's next. Will it be Prime Minister Schumer, or perhaps AOC? I can't wait.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

As a Populist Republican, that ‘build an iron dome over the USA’ is just plain stupid. Red meat for low thinking Trump voters, IMO. I can ignore it because the rest of the platform I agree with. But it’s the same pipe dream Reagan had w/ fib about the Star Wars defense in 80’s. Maybe he is throwing a bone to the MIC.

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