Re: Itxu Díaz’ article on European election results

While it was heartening to see the Left take such a pasting in Europe, the battle is far from won. These people can be given no qbuarter, because they are relentless in their diabolical pursuit, and will never stop until they’ve been relegated to the dustbin of history.

Ms. Von der Layden is the poster child for all that is wrong with them, and her #1 pet project is to crush free speech and silence dissent, as she pronounced unabashedly at the most recent gathering of the WEF overlords.

The battle is not over, it’s only just begun, and the people must remain vigilant and on high alert, ever ready to prevent these people from destroying civilization as we’ve known it.

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Re: Bill Melugin‘s reporting on the apparent decrease in illegal border crossings:

I would wager, that “decrease” at the border is merely a direct result of a diversionary tactic which includes an increase in flights arranged by the Biden Admin’s DHS of illegals into country, coupled with an “arrangement” with the Mexican Govt (and perhaps other govts. as well), to assist in curtailing the number of crossings from their side until at least after the election.

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https://www.columbiaspectator.com/opinion/2024/06/11/task-force-on-antisemitism-can-you-hear-us-now/ This is how students who have zero attachment to Judaism and Zionism and who are hostile to Israel treated the report on anti Semitism at Columbia

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This president when he isn’t busy appeasing Iran and Hamas and doing nothing about border security and furthering the woke agenda is clearly the Mr Big of a RICO family who appears to be on the Chinese and Ukrainian payrolls

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…and all such criminal efforts of the Biden Gang being aided and abetted by any number of Govt. agencies and personnel, most prominently members of the FBI, the DOJ, the SEC and the IRS.

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