Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Regarding Michael Lind’s

Attack of the Crypto-Nazis!

“…working-class Americans and rural Americans are dangerous cretins who threaten to destroy democracy…”

So true. So true. In 2024 we are on red alert. Defcon 1.



I don’t need to explain it. It just is.

If he wins, he’s gonna jail H Clinton, Rachel Maddow, Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, AOC…

maybe even the Obamas.

If Trump wins, there will be no more elections. He’s gonna deport everyone. Maybe even you.


White rural rage that’s how.

They can’t read. They live in boarded up towns with no money driving pickup trucks with loaded gun racks. And yet, they’re so powerful.

Don’t ask me to explain it.

They have to be stopped. If necessary, we’ll destroy democracy in order to save it. Stage show trials. Rig debates.

Whatever it takes to save America.

I’m Joe…..Ahhhh, let’s see. I had it right here on the tip of my tongue. It was top of mind there for a minute. ahhhh…


I’m just Joe. From Scranton. And I approved this message.

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Lee Smith is on the mark-the IDF is winning but its brass is more worried about maintaining its relationships in the US with DOD and Harvard's Kennedy School , and in the long term in avoiding any investigation into its lack of preparedness for 10/7 and the war than in winning this war.

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💯% !!

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Perfect. I’m a deplorable who reads Dante, Faulkner and my favorite subscription is the London Review of Books, etc.

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Dante Faulkner? Never heard of him.

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Supposed Marxists like Adorno, Marcuse and their intellectual heirs in academia and media are so besotted by their own arrogance and self-righteousness that they have a major blind spot: they seem to think that their educations and writings make them tribunes of the people, heroic saviors of the downtrodden, when the rest of us can see their obvious condescension and disdain, not to mention the fact that the only contact they have with working people is with their servants.

It's one thing to deal with aspiring tyrants (we'll always have them), but the tyrants who make believe they're only trying to help you (in telling you what to think, say, believe and who to vote for) are insufferable and deserve nothing but mockery.

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…and they are the most dangerous type of tyrant as well, because they believe they are “good”.

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I found that, while the London Review of Books is great, by the time I had read it through, I did not have any time and energy left to read any books, never mind to make progress on writing my own books. I gave up reading reviews and got my books written. Now I am reading so many news sites on the internet, I am not writing any more books. Hmmm, is this a good strategy?

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Michael Lind hits the nail on the head as to why the bicoastal elites that run the Democratic Party have zero respect for anyone who differs with them on economic and social issues.

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Brilliant article, “ Attack of the Crypto-Nazis!”, by Michael Lind!

He perfectly captures the entire ethos of the elite progressive Mafia, (also known as Democrats), who lust after ruling the world.

Is it not ironic that they happen to be the most racist, xenophobic, and chauvinistic bunch of cretins to walk the earth?

What is also ironic is how much they resemble those who once populated the seats of power in Rome, and through their hubris and smug arrogance, managed to bring utter destruction upon the empire, all because they refused to share any of its benefits with the riffraff.

Or those members of the “ancien régime” of France in the late 18th century, who’s “Let them eat cake” attitude resulted in the French Revolution!

It is the same attitudes, same dispositions by a similarly small clique of people who just simply believe they are better, wiser and more important than all others that eventually come to lead nations into ruin. History may not exactly repeat, but it sure as heck does rhyme!

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I hope Lee Smith is correct. But, despite his praise of Netanyahu, it’s hard not to fault him for shutting down much of Israel’s arms production and increasing its dependence on the US.

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Ehud Barak, not Bibi, was responsible for the shut down of Israel's military self sufficiency and increasing dependence on the US

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Thanks for the correction.

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