The Scroll is my go-to source for insightful, truthful , intelligent and informative reporting and analysis. I'm very appreciative of your willingness to go where others fear to tread.
How far is the United States prepared to go concerning Iran? How are they allowed to completely sell out Israel. This naive narrative of the Middle East has to change. I’m speechless after reading The Scroll
How old do you have to be to remember when the Washington POST was a” great “ newspaper? It must’ve been at least a half century ago ( assuming old folks’ memories don’t play tricks). I do remember the eighties, when the predecessor to the news monitor CAMERA was called POST Mortems. Located in Washington, it documented the WaPO’s consistent biased Israel reporting. One tidbit: when confronted with the POST’s grossly inflated casualty numbers charged against Israel, the then legendary editor Ben Bradley, dismissed the unsubstantiated exaggeration airily: “ well,even one casualty is too many.”
Israel update is Mike Doran's and Gabi Taub's show on YouTube and Rumble, good analysis and guests. Fwiw Jonathan Pollard talked about American munitions sent to Israel having higher dud rates when fired a few months back, how could munitions be built to misfire? Old stock?
The level of ire raised within me when I read a report such as Michael Doran’s on the Biden Administration’s slow-walking (if not preventing it altogether), arms shipments to Israel, is off the charts.
How they can be so wedded to such an insane and delusional - and still very much secretive policy of an ascendant Iran is utterly incomprehensible and downright homicidal, not to mention suicidal.
By their every action and measure taken toward Israel from the very start of this war they have been quite literally sentencing Israel to death by a thousand cuts, leaving them to be a virtual sitting duck should a full fledged war with Lebanon breakout, which at this point from an Israeli standpoint, is practically inevitable if it ever hopes to regain their sovereign lands and establish a secure future for the entire nation.
But perhaps that reveals the entire design of this diabolical O’Biden administration actions: the end of Israel as a sovereign nation.
We need a new word for evil because they have reached untold categories well beyond that word.
I find Tablet coverage quite apt especially Tony Badran and Michael Doran. I do believe they hit "the nail on the head" when the O'Biden Admin is engaging in the Obama playbook and "Iran realignment". What is truly disturbing is a "double speak", saying one thing and clearly meaning/doing the other.... Especially regarding the failed state of Lebanon a now U.S. protectorate and an Iran Proxy run by Nasrallah and Hezbollah. As well as going so far as to declassify the Houthis from "Terrorists" to just rebels. It's all quite disturbed that just makes me shake my head and asking why?
The Scroll is my go-to source for insightful, truthful , intelligent and informative reporting and analysis. I'm very appreciative of your willingness to go where others fear to tread.
Michael Doran hits the nail on the head-this is the Obama playbook on full display
Israel update is on YouTube and Rumble, he does it with a writer from tablet magazine named g a b i t a u b
How far is the United States prepared to go concerning Iran? How are they allowed to completely sell out Israel. This naive narrative of the Middle East has to change. I’m speechless after reading The Scroll
How old do you have to be to remember when the Washington POST was a” great “ newspaper? It must’ve been at least a half century ago ( assuming old folks’ memories don’t play tricks). I do remember the eighties, when the predecessor to the news monitor CAMERA was called POST Mortems. Located in Washington, it documented the WaPO’s consistent biased Israel reporting. One tidbit: when confronted with the POST’s grossly inflated casualty numbers charged against Israel, the then legendary editor Ben Bradley, dismissed the unsubstantiated exaggeration airily: “ well,even one casualty is too many.”
Israel update is Mike Doran's and Gabi Taub's show on YouTube and Rumble, good analysis and guests. Fwiw Jonathan Pollard talked about American munitions sent to Israel having higher dud rates when fired a few months back, how could munitions be built to misfire? Old stock?
The level of ire raised within me when I read a report such as Michael Doran’s on the Biden Administration’s slow-walking (if not preventing it altogether), arms shipments to Israel, is off the charts.
How they can be so wedded to such an insane and delusional - and still very much secretive policy of an ascendant Iran is utterly incomprehensible and downright homicidal, not to mention suicidal.
By their every action and measure taken toward Israel from the very start of this war they have been quite literally sentencing Israel to death by a thousand cuts, leaving them to be a virtual sitting duck should a full fledged war with Lebanon breakout, which at this point from an Israeli standpoint, is practically inevitable if it ever hopes to regain their sovereign lands and establish a secure future for the entire nation.
But perhaps that reveals the entire design of this diabolical O’Biden administration actions: the end of Israel as a sovereign nation.
We need a new word for evil because they have reached untold categories well beyond that word.
I find Tablet coverage quite apt especially Tony Badran and Michael Doran. I do believe they hit "the nail on the head" when the O'Biden Admin is engaging in the Obama playbook and "Iran realignment". What is truly disturbing is a "double speak", saying one thing and clearly meaning/doing the other.... Especially regarding the failed state of Lebanon a now U.S. protectorate and an Iran Proxy run by Nasrallah and Hezbollah. As well as going so far as to declassify the Houthis from "Terrorists" to just rebels. It's all quite disturbed that just makes me shake my head and asking why?