“He Who Can Never be Named.”

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Very sensible, credible, and enlightening. This should be shouted from the rooftops! Please, please, please spread this as far as possible. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant."

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This debate probably had 47.9 M people watching -not sure if that includes computer and Iphones-That audience saw that the emperor has no clothes-The mainstream media i, among its many flaws, always covered up health issues of Presidents it supports such as Wilson, FDR and JFK while writing gossip like about anyone it dislikes. That is part of the same attitude that whitewashed Nazism and Communism and their evils and today whitewashes Hamas

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Thanks for this take, Park. The ‘recredentializing’ of the MSM press in light of Biden’s ‘death’ last night, particularly insightful. If they took a poll of trust in press today, it might be in the teens? Now the question is whether or not this debate performance was by design, or not. Conspiracy theorists wanna know ;)

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I think this election will be very similar to the election of 1968. In 1968, LBJ decided not to run after Walter Cronkite told the country that we were losing in Vietnam, plagued by inner city riots and he was unable to spend dollars on the war and the Great Society, RFK would have been the nominee but was assassinated after winning the California primary. HHH is nominated after a raucous convention in Chicago with riots on the streets, but the left sits out the election and Nixon wins. The left takes control of the Democratic Party and primaries , not smoke filled rooms are the basis for Democratic nominees. Except for Carter who won because of the backlash to the pardoning of Nixon and Clinton who ran as a moderate, the Democrats ran liberal to left candidates such as McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis and Gore who lost . If the Democrats lose, Obama, who was the football coach with the

headphones who called in plays to Biden, and whose supporters control a lot of the party machinery, will purge the party of moderates and any supporters of Israel who oppose his goal of "transforming" America,.

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"LBJ decided not to run after Walter Cronkite told the country that we were losing in Vietnam"

Actually LBJ decided not to run after an anti-war candidate, Eugene McCarthy, ran against him and did unexpectedly well in the NH primary, winning 42% of the vote to LBJ's 49%.

Despite the war, in 1968 56% of Americans voted either for Richard Nixon or George Wallace, both of them conservative candidates committed to prosecuting the Vietnam War.


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LBJ thought that if he had lost Cronkite he had lost tge Anerican people

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Several of Johnson's aides have written that it was his mediocre results in the NH primary that made his decision.

In January 1968, one full month before Cronkite announcement, Johnson had asked one of his aides to draft a statement that he was withdrawing from the race for possible inclusion in his State of the Union speech, although he ended up not using it.


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Wikipedia is not the most credible source snd is biased I recall reading that LBJ himself after watching Cronkite realized he could not run for reelection based on Cronkites analysis I would suggest waiting for the final volume of Caro’s superb bio of LBJ

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So you're questioning that LBJ aide was asked to draft a withdrawal statement one month before Cronkite came out against the war?

Or was Cronkite so inaccurate that he missed how 56% of Americans would vote for Nixon or Wallace!

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Cronkite was inaccurate for another reason -the US turned back the Tet Offensive and did not sustain a defeat as described by Cronkite I concur that aides may have prepared such a statement but Cronkite’s coverage played a huge role as well The mainstream media missed the fact that Nixon ran on a law and order agenda as well with a si called Southern strategy

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Not all facts can be squeezed into a single bottle of narrative:

despite the influence of Obama alumni in the current administration, Biden's strong support for Israel in the weeks after Oct 7 and this trip there, were absolutely stunning and unexpected.

That he has veered from that path 6 months later can be attributed to electoral fears and those Obama alumni persisting in their efforts to influence the intellect we all saw on display during the Presidential debate on June 27.

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Such an important piece. Thank you. Confirms what most of us who have been paying attention suspected. Here is my question. Did Obama miscalculate by allowing Biden to enter this debate? Did he overplay his hand and paint himself into a corner?

The general population perhaps woke up a bit during the debate, and the immediate shift in tone by MSM (disingenuous) reaffirmed that shift.

But now what?

It sounds like Jill Biden might be going toe to toe with Obama. She appears to be unwilling to accept Joe stepping down. DC is laden with skeletons, and the Biden consortium seems to have layers they would prefer to keep buried, so perhaps those get leveraged.

But it does not appear that Biden (Obama) can win now. From what I have read campaign funds cannot simply be shifted to a new candidate. And the fractious Dem party does not at this point have a clear strategy.

Even if the Dems could find a way to pull Biden, without elevating Harris, who is going to assume a compliant role under Obama?

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They. Don’t. Care.

Obama already came out with a full-throated endorsement of Biden and the Administration is feverishly implementing damage control.

No way are they taking him out.

They’re going to drag him over the finish line if it’s the last thing they do, and anybody’s guess what happens after that.

I imagine they have what they imagine to be some sure fire plan that guarantees the election will go their way. Or Lord knows what.

But for sure they are sticking with the “Resident” of the Whitehouse - for now.

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Of course it’s Obama and his woke minions …

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Anyone with a double digit IQ should have figured that out a long time ago

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