Major Yehuda Kfir‘s summary of what the IDF has to deal with fighting in Gaza, is utterly chilling.

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Re: “ Harvard’s Golden Age Turns to Mud”

How anyone can ever even contemplate sending their kids -Jewish or not - to any of these reprehensible colleges or universities is beyond comprehension.

They should be razed to the ground and the earth salted where they lay.

And every member of their administrations and boards and faculties tarred and feathered and run out of town.

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Re: The Big Story: Lebanon

One has to assume that Israeli leadership is well aware of what needs to be done there. How to Get away with it, rapidly enough, is the real issue, before the US can intervene.

I read that the O’Biden administration is trying to convince Gantz not to leave the war coalition now, as he’d threatened to do, and his self-made deadline fast approaches. I imagine they want him to stay because he is their go-to guy for insider info on their war plans.

“Stealth and speed” should be BiBi’s mantra.

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