I am asking this question to your esteemed writers as no one else has answered. What is the geopolitical advantage for the United States to appease Iran? Why is all this happening?

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Why does anyone ever appease aggressive countries. The Democrats have developed three very awful habits in the last few years that are hurting them in all kinds of policy areas:

First, they are simply cowards, they are scared of direct confrontation with enemies so they do passive-aggressive sniping or attack their allies they know wont strike back.

Second, they believe soft power is more important than hard power and is the "Smart" approach. They ignore the fact that sanctions don't seem to get the job done, and refuse to look like a big dumb thug by using hard power.

Third, they honestly believe their enemy's lies and think that giving them what they want will be enough to satisfy them. They believe that if they just give Iran what it wants it won't build the bomb. I think this is driven out of a desperation to believe it is true because, due to items 1 and 2, they know they won't do anything if it isn't true.

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But when Trump reinstated the sanctions, they were not doing well at all. I believe that there is something really nefarious about this appeasement, Iran is very very close to having a nuclear bomb. Protecting Hezbollah from Israel. What the hell is going on?

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This administration, in concert with the previous Obama administration, loathes Israel. Nearly the entire State Dept has been riddled with anti-semites for decades.

They would have absolutely zero problem with the eradication of Israel.

Add to this the fact that they are truly the most stupid group of people ever gathered together to determine history altering fates in the geopolitical sphere, and you have a recipe for incomprehensible disaster.

None of this can be overstated. It is the raw truth.

Buckle up.

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You’re right,Obama is running everything and he hates Israel

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Could it simply be what it looks like? They want Iran to be a nuclear power? Makes no sense, but most of what they do is nonsensical & dangerous. They are not wise people.

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It is a very good question and I hope we can learn the answer. Team Biden truly think their “strategies” are smart and they are very proud of them. It is abominable, considering their actions are bringing us very close to a global conflict their “strategies” won’t be able to solve.

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The leaked CIA report is more proof of the facts that the CIA like its brethren at State, have always been Arabist and that Biden continually is throwing Israel under the bus to appease Iran. The Israelis should whatever they have to do to eliminate both Hezhollah and the regime in Iran

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Re the article: “The West Is Still Playacting in Ukraine“

There is another option: sue for peace. End this doomed enterprise once and for all.

But no, pure pride at this point will prolong the slaughter.

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