The Biden spin against Israel because of its appeasement of Iran and Hamas knows no end

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When I saw the title I was like “Open Society, Ford and Rockefeller are gonna be involved in this.”

Was not disappointed, even have more side characters like MacArthur.

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When you despise the Biden administration and all it stands for, each new day reveals more crap that makes you realize you don’t despise it nearly enough.

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Hunter Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell is merely playing his part, as required by the DOJ, in order to implement their latest scheme to exonerate Hunter because “it was all Russian disinformation”, (which is the chief reason they had to arrest their own Russian informant - a critical element in the operation of said plan).

It’s a “two-fer”, actually, as it would also serve to appear to vindicate the 51 IC officials who signed that letter way back claiming the laptop was just a bunch of Russian disinformation.

You gotta give these guys points for trying. They just never quit.

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