The American Jewish establishment to its credit respectfully but critically responded to the disgraceful statement by Schumer and emphasized his selling Israel out

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Regarding…Finding my Inner Esther

A nice story but, perhaps you are simply a remarkable woman?

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.”


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So, delay a criminal trial (and this would be months) just to bring a disbarment hearing against the prosecutor on the grounds the prosecutor may not have been truthful under oath about her private sex life? NO. You dont backdoor upend explicit law that a prosecutor can't be removed absent an ACTUAL conflict, and nothing alleged against Willis even rose to that. Absent that, you don't delay trying for a CRIME just to try for someone lying about their sex life. Hell, I'd try them both, but the criminal trial has to come first.

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Regarding Fani Willis, as a lawyer I still find it offensive when someone with such a blatant axe to grind completely misses the fundamental issue underlying a case. That being, of course, that none of the hanky panky going on had ANYTHING to do with whether Ms Willis would prosecute the case ANY differently than had there been nothing going on.

Next time, i suggest the Scroll not allow such political posturing to get in the way of the facts.

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