I need to clarify a bit your story about the horrible antisemitic cartoon in La Presse, a very large Quebec newspaper. It is not uncommon nor unusual for something like this to appear here. Quebec society has always been deeply antisemitic. This province is quite different from the rest of Canada. The Catholic Church controlled this province for over 100 years. Since the quiet revolution here, Quebec has become maniacally secular. We have language laws here, a law stating that no religious symbols can be worn by anyone who works in the public service. I mean no necklaces, head coverings, yet there is a huge crucifix in the general assembly. I’m sorry to report but this was nothing unusual here.

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The Scroll is well written and informative. Why does it not have more readers?

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All these foundations and groups funding all these terrorist sympathizers should be designated terrorist orgs themselves, and thoroughly outlawed from operating within and /or in concert with any US citizen or group.

What I wish would really happen though is that they all be rounded up and shipped to Gitmo.

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The German Govt seems to be working extra hard to resurrect some of the worst aspects of its sordid past in order to crush and all dissent from the peons who are clearly too stupid to know what’s good for them. AfD is particularly concerning to them and thus directly in their crosshairs as more and more sane and normal Germans flock to it, fed up to their necks with the insanity flowing out from powers that be.

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good article. Wake up America!

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"If you really want to stop people from voting for the extreme populist right in your country, you might start by moderating your outrage at their attempts, however manic, to dissent from your leadership—and start taking them seriously." --from Jeremy Stern's full article

Well said.

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Are there any good people left at Harvard?

Unfortunately also many of the Israeli generals have a useless degree from Harvard.

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