There's no point launching another war inside Gaza, there is zero hope that the Palestinians will ever be anything but a genocidal Jew-hating cult and it isn't worth any more blood and treasure to learn this once again.

Israel needs to withdraw entirely from Gaza, seal and stripmine its border, never give them another cent for any reason, and let them know that if so much as a Nerf football flies over the border it will be met by 10fold retaliation of missile strikes.

Let them stew in their rubble and their apocalyptic fantasies and enjoy their status as the Western Left's pet victims in perpetuity.

Maybe in 100 years they will sue for peace, but until then they need to be walled off from Israel and from humanity.

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Humanity must also starve the head of the snake, Iran. As long as the ayatollahs exist, the Gazans will be given succor and be portrayed as victims of the West in general and Jews in particular.

The culture-of-death’s tentacles are now strangling Europe and are giving free-play by feckless EU bureaucrats.

Western governments have forgotten that human freedom ameliorated with Judeo-Christianity leads to civilization, thence, happiness. There are no other alternatives.

Just spit-balling.

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10fold retaliation - or 100fold - will do nothing to stop them. They'll never stop lobbing crude rockets over a "sealed and stripmined" border killing more and more Israelis. They'll launch rockets from their rubble and the just-dug graves of their own children without thought or pause.

You can't reason with this Jew-hating death cult. They don't care how many 10fold retaliations are used against them; their rockets will just keep coming.

A death cult does not - ever - "sue for peace".

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i said maybe in 100 years!

i just don't think it's worth another drop of blood trying to tame this untameable beast.

better to disengage, seal the border, and turn every area they shoot a rocket from into a smoking crater the size of a square mile.

i really just hate to think of any more young men from the IDF being killed in Gaza, as there is no solution here.

the entire purpose of the "Palestinians" has been to trap Israel in a bloody bear trap, and this is the only thing they've been successful at (well, that and killing their own children).

but I am just an American civilian on the internet, i will leave the real strategy to the experts.

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With great respect, let the IDF determine what hill they die on so their posterity can prosper. As Sean said, there’s no dealing or reasoning with a cult.

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Civilization faces twin threats:

the Left, a religion disguised as an ideology;

and Islam, an ideology disguised as a religion

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Israel has handcuffed itself to the hostages in prosecuting this war successfully. I hate everything about the stupid ceasefire. It is sheer and utter nonsense from end to end.

Here’s my proposal: for everyday that Israel doesn’t receive their hostages back they will execute terrorist prisoners, beginning with the ones on the lists conveniently provided by Hamas.

I realize they’ll probably respond by just killing our hostages but the game will end, as will their whole sordid hostage calculation they’ve used so successfully for generations.

I know how heartless that sounds to many, particularly the families of those hostages, but the precedent of this hostage taking game of Russian-roulette has to be turned on them once and for all, for all time as a losing strategy. These hostages are casualties of war, but they must be the forever LAST hostages ever to be used to cripple Israel in the defense of its nation and its people.

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• That which is hateful to you, do not do unto your fellow. - Hillel

• Where there are no humans, strive to be a human! - ibid

• Who is the strong man? The one who conquers his urge(s). - Talmud

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I hadn’t heard that Dore Gold had passed away. What a great loss, not just for Israel but for the world as well. May his memory not only be a blessing but also that his tireless work, efforts and wisdom be adopted and adhered to.

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