Rogan has taken a page from Tucker Carlson although I suspect that Rogan has few if any Jewish friends. Carlson impresses me as a Henry Ford type of Jew hater with the paradigm that existed in America before WWII. That kind of Jew hatred was characterized by signs in front of certain establishments reading “No Jews and no dogs allowed.” That kind of Jew hatred by WASPs led to Jewish quotas at universities, exclusion from country clubs, hospital staffs, law firms and etc. It was the kind of Jew hatred exemplified by the President of the USA refusing to allow the St. Louis from disembarking Jews fleeing Hitler. It was the kind of Jew hatred that didnt bomb the railroads leading to Auschwitz. And now like the modern Left’s kind of Jew hatred he aligned himself with Muslims. The only way for this generation’s Jew hatred to end will be when Israel thoroughly defeats its barbaric enemies.
I have been saying that for the past thirty five years!!!!!and more convinced after legally immigrating to this country and learning about the tepid commitment to Israel from a large percentage of the Jewish community .May be now Jews will start learning the history of five thousands years of existing wandering the earth until the creation of Israel!!!! but.......I doubt it!!!!!
Is it really a stretch for American citizens to be skeptical of Israeli intelligence operations without being hateful of Jewish people themselves? This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't see those two things as equivalent. Israel is a country, and Jews are a people. Americans are not their government or their CIA either.
Why is it a requirement that we talk about "black people being stupid" and "Arabs being stinky" in order to talk about Israel's Mossad committing espionage?
It is not a requirement any more than questioning the veracity of Israeli intelligence operations. This conversation started with a skepticism of intelligence operations. A skepticism that operations happen or are the operations to be believed?
You seem (?) to be dealing in stereotypes, i.e., the cunning Jew; not to be trusted because they stick together to subjugate the world. Civilization witnessed a slaughter in Judea and Samaria, and the JEWS are being questioned? (not you, but others). As was said earlier, the animosity is historic and palpable, whether in Ancient Rome, NYC, Boston or tsarist Russia which gave us the phrase “beyond the pale” (don’t do business outside a perimeter).
The animosity is based on the Jews’ stubborn love of tradition and family and of the individual (who is made in the image of God); not the State or what’s called the Collective. It’s the reason O’Brien had to destroy Winston Smith.
Perhaps To Be a Jew is a reaction to a particular mob Action.
My mistake then, you kind of indicated that it was. I suppose I just don't see it this way, it doesn't require some grand jew-spiracy or hatred of Jewish people to be realistic and critical of Israeli intelligence operations.
Likewise, when the US runs its intelligence operations overseas, they do so by maintaining near complete plausible deniability themselves. They do so by recruiting sources and assets that are reliable, have an interest in the success of their country's mission, and are willing to operate in the US's interest. I don't see why that wouldn't be how Israel operates its own intelligence services, that's pretty universally how these kinds of things work.
What you're scapegoating as a "cunning jew" stereotype has nothing to do with jews, and is simply an aversion to covert intelligence operations. I don't trust the CIA either, and they're certainly very cunning, though not particularly Jewish.
It seems like our question comes down to whether we think it's at all possible that the nation of Israel would run some sort of influence operation on US soil beyond the normal Hasbarah. I think that is entirely plausible, but if you do not I understand. We should then look for evidence.
Intelligence operations of any government are a fair target for "skepticism" by anybody. Just look at the bugging of our allies under Obama; (and vice versa). But it is not "skepticism" that is the issue or the problem.
I don’t know Rogan, and never listened to his podcast in my life-not once. So I don’t know where or how you come off ascribing anything to me as a reaction.
Don’t engage with Tminuis1000, he’s a full time TROLL that used to go by Comprof2.0 on The Free Press. He’s an avowed lefty racist and instigator. DO NOT FEED this waste of time.
I agree with the Henry Ford analogy, but I don't understand how Israel defeating its enemies is going to end this generation's Jew-hatred. It would be better for Israel, but how would it have any bearing on what Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and their ilk think and decide to share?
Each Israeli generation has to defeat the Jew-killers because the Jew-killers keep giving birth to subsequent Jew-killers. If Israel (aka The Jews) do nothing to defeat the Jew-killers then Israel (The Jews) will cease to exist.
Israeli defense and survival would have no bearing on Tucker Carlson, Candy Owens or their ilk because the aforementioned have been around, are around, and will be around. They and their ilk perpetuate this anti-semitic nonsense because they give succor by providing a platform for nonsense. In other words weeds will consume a beautiful lawn if nothing is done to stop their encroachment (witness Western Europe).
Tucker Carlson is an insufferable anti-semite who hasn't the balls to just come out and say he detests Jews and clearly announce his delusions about Jews, so he invites pseudo intellectual anti-semitic guests to espouse nuanced and sometimes blatant nonsense about Jews and/or Israel in order to stoke the ever present Jew hating embers. It sells. Disappointing but not surprising that Joe Rogan would also platform a Jew hater. It sells, and easy to digest for the gullible. What escapes these weasels is that if Jews really had such power, they would be in positions to obscure and hide their dastardly machinations and schemes, which are conducted to what end? Doesn't matter, they are just evil. In fact, these Jews are so manipulative and powerful that no doubt they control Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan, and for diabolical reasons want them to appear pure and untainted by Jewish manipulation. What must frustrate the Jew hater immensely is that Trump, thank G-d, doesn't share these delusions. Not only that, but Trump surrounds himself with Jews, trusts them, and has a daughter and grandchildren that are Jewish. Good G-d, since they are now members of the tribe, have they been read into the plot? Is Ivanka and her children now involved in the Ian Carroll screed, are they responsible too? Holy Hashem no, can't be. Maybe just Jared. Yup, just her husband Jared.
Everything you said about Trump is true. His number 2, Vance is a totally different story. I see him flipping on a dime post Trump and after he catches up on the latest news and conspiracy theories from his social media internet bros.
I see that, but I think it's because Vance is just too young to really get the history. Living through it is very different than reading a history book.
I have listened to many of his interviews and never heard anything of the sort from him. He voted for Obama, etc. Can you tell me which episode you're referring to?
Don’t engage with Tminuis1000, he’s a full time TROLL that used to go by Comprof2.0 on The Free Press. He’s an avowed lefty racist and instigator. DO NOT FEED this waste of time.
Dude....go back to his early episodes. There were MANY, MANY articles about it. Spotify and Rogan agreed to take the episodes down, etc.
Bari even wrote about on Twitter, where she complained that anyone who said the episodes were the least bit tacky was a member of the "woke leftists mob," etc...etc...
I think this whole Epstein thing is a nothing burger and if it were a Pierre and the French secret service it would be a nothing burger dud. An "Epstein" or a Weinstein and the Jews makes it another fun antisemitic conspiracy theory for the internet bros. on the left, right and the Muslims. Why haven't these so called Epstein files been fully released already by the CIA? The only big name that could influence anything was Bill Clinton and he hasn't had any power for 25 years. Certainly the CIA directors under Obama and Biden weren't Mossad allies, one of them was a Muslim convert.
The sexual blackmailing of American and British businessmen and government officials/representatives doesn't strike me as a nothingburger, but perhaps it is and we're all tilting at windmills. Bill Clinton appears to have been quite connected with Epstein and flew on his Lolita Express many times. Epstein visited the White House during Bill Clinton's tenure at least 17 times according to public visitor logs, some of which were multiple instances on the exact same day. He also helped to finance the renovation of the West Wing of the White House. It seems unlikely that Bill Clinton would have exposed Epstein, and besides that was before he was exposed as a child sex predator. I think you have a valid question as to why Clinton has not blown the lid on Epstein since he seemed to be so close to him and must have had a lot of information.
CIA and other secret orgs dealing in blackmail? Shocking! I would say Epstein files have no bite except for one or two little details. Epstein "hung himself", no witesses, no security footage and the guards were immediately given immunity from prosecution for silence. There's something there, and it isn't Ireal, Jewish or Mossad.
I'm afraid you will probably be right, I'm also skeptical that of all things we'll get transparency on the Epstein files. But there is certainly something malodorous there, we at least know that.
Someone in the govt has these so called 20 year old files. Who in the current govt has an interest in keeping these so called files under wraps and protecting these all powerful businessmen and prior govt officials ? Trump?, prior CIA directors, Bondi?, Clinton allies who no longer exist in the govt:? I think it is a bunch of BS but great content for the bro antisemitic podcasts.
I think that's a great question, there are mountains of files that are kept classified for no apparent reason. Overclassification is a major issue all across the administrative level, not just in relation to Epstein. Why are so many files related to the JFK assassination still classified? Why are so many 9/11 documents classified? Why are so many classified documents related to intelligence on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic kept classified? What interest could they have in keeping old files like that secret? They only declassified the McCollum memo from pre-WWII in 1994, and before that we had no idea that Roosevelt had advance knowledge of Pearl Harbor.
I suppose you're doubting even the existence of such files at all. The files being kept secret would be all of the documents, records, personal effects, and evidence that were removed from Epstein's homes when they were raided by the FBI. Those were never fully released, in addition to a lot of evidence that was processed as a result of what they found. We know that a lot of evidence was siezed, it's not a matter of speculation.
I love The Scroll and I really hate to be the one to say this, but the apparent relationship between Epstein and Mossad are unfortunately not this easily dismissible. Whitney Webb's book "One Nation Under Blackmail" is meticulously documented and sourced, but evidence of this connection is not unique to her publication. That's without even delving into victim and witness testimony.
Epstein wasn't necessarily a complete Mossad project, but to dismiss the idea that there was any relationship at all begets an unfamiliarity with the evidence in play. And that's just what is public. I must admit it seems somewhat implausible that there could be absolutely no connection between Mossad and Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who as we all probably know was a very prominent fellow in Mossad. I would be surprised if an intuitive and accomplished intelligence operation like Mossad let a connection like that alone go completely unutilized.
I do not see it as anti-Semitic to look at connections to foreign intelligence agencies, social networks of money and influence are how intelligence agencies operate. It's how the US CIA operates too, and I would be somewhat surprised if the CIA didn't have some sort of similar influence operations somewhere at some point. It seems like one of the most effective possible means of control there could be, in a business largely free from moral moorings. Somehow I doubt Jacob Siegel would entirely disagree with that. I would like to know Siegel's opinion on Epstein as it relates to some of what he uncovered in AGTUTHOTC, I respect his views greatly.
The Wikipedia covers most of the connections I'm aware of, besides that his funeral was attended by a number of Israeli intelligence members. I don't believe it was officially confirmed by Mossad, although I don't know why it would be.
It's okay to admit that you and Whitney both have a case of Jew derangement syndrome whether it's manifested through Israel derangement syndrome or Islamic deflectionism or Vatican loyalty, not mentioning the Opus dei father of Bill Barr current director of the doj appointing Epstein in the seventies at the same time the same Opus deu ignored the member of opus dei spy Robert Hanson for 20 years after he had confessed to his priest who told higher ups who told higher ups in the US who were Opus deu shh.. eventually the church going Robert Hansen's proclivity for getting Americans killed couldn't be overlooked anymore as his Opus dei service to the Vatican could no longer be overlooked yet Bill Burr is still in charge of the doj and how many Opus members are on the supreme Court along with those promoted by the heritage foundation who are not open but still connected to the Vatican
No one wants to talk about the drama that occurred voting for John Kennedy and his loyalty to the Vatican. Vatican apologists like Michael Collins point their fingers at the Jews 🤏
As if the volumes of evidence regarding Jesuit influence that is verifiable suddenly disappeared because Epstein and reasons 😆😅😂
Interesting that in all the content in a Scroll article in the Tablet, and all the comments, this is what triggers someone...the possible "Islamophobia".
May the skatepark that you built for the Jews to grind away daily between your ears continue to be fully populated with smiling thriving happy Jewish families from Judea and Samaria and all over the world ongoingly and forever more.
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed
Fight the Jews and Christians until they pay the jizya said 5x daily by half the planet yet ignored bythe Islamic deflectionists who proclaim the Pope's and Queen Elizabeth's loyalty to the Jews because of Bill Barr's dad the secretive opus dei devotee appointing Mr Epstein in the 70s to his position of power, not that the Jesuits or Vatican could possibly have any pull no that would be absurd it's those usury inflicting power grabbing warmongering Jews 🤏
Regarding Rogan, the success of Epstein & co’s endeavors led to the remarkable result of no Israeli wars during his covert existence. Additionally, there were no UN anti-Israel resolutions or sanctions, and Queen Elizabeth’s historic visit to Israel would not have been possible. The Pope’s unwavering support for Israel and Jews due to Epstein. Even the CIA and US State Department exhibited extreme cooperation with the Zionist thugs. Some might question the ethics and morality of this covert operation but as one crypto Jew noted, the ends always justify the means…..
Thank the lord Trump has Jewish grandchildren! Being very sardonic for those too caught up in Jew paranoia.
In addition to your list of Judeophiles was (drum roll, please) Rev Dr Martin Luther King.
An admirer of Judaism, he was also a staunch Zionist.
Oy, Keffiyeh-laden heads will explode at Barnard and Columbia. MLK monuments will be toppled. The heads of Tlaib and Omar will rotate á la Linda Blair.
Good nuanced reply from Webb. Her interviews when her book was released in 2022 are a good overview of what her book is about, for those who haven't taken time to read it yet. Israel is really only a part of the Epstein story.
I caution against damning Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson on the basis of who they interview (like many did Carlson post his Putin interview). Rogan in particular makes an effort to interview people with different viewpoints. We saw this clearly during Covid - and also in the run up to the election when he was trying to interview Kamala and not just Trump. Rogan doesn’t pretend to be an expert on political and medical issues. He doesn’t do heavy research to interrogate his interviewees, he mostly lets them talk and asks a few questions (see excellent interview with Mike Benz). We need these inquisitive voices and platforms. They are not meant to be sermons to follow. I consider their podcasts part of an invaluable free speech process.
I've never listened to Joe Rogan. I was heading for the exit in the first paragraph because I was afraid I was going ti hear "they had it coming". I'm glad I kept reading.
Yet c a i r remains an uninvited co-conspirator with 110 counts against them with Islamic representation growing across the country with the intent to install Sharia and a caliphate worldwide but you keep worrying about them Jews
Fight the Jews and Christians until they pay the jizia seems like a disqualifying belief for immigration to allow yet... Ilhan Omar says it five times a day as she flaunts her American disdain daily while being married to her cousin brother to commit immigration fraud, then after committing election campaign finance fraud she divorced her cousin brother to marry her election fraud manager to this day, she's been arrested check out the bald looking photo for a hoot, her daughter is a subversive along with Kamala Harris's who has fundraised for Gaza and despite her looks somehow has a modeling career. Somehow Kamala whose father was a Marxist professor and brought her and others to Marxist gatherings in Berkeley was installed in the oval office despite being the last finalist for the demorrhoid candidacy but it for sure is the j 😭😜🤣
I worry that if someone reads this and doesn't get the satire or quotes it out of context — it could be bad for Jews (if it's possible to get any worse). It takes a while to get to the "all kidding aside" line.
Rogan has taken a page from Tucker Carlson although I suspect that Rogan has few if any Jewish friends. Carlson impresses me as a Henry Ford type of Jew hater with the paradigm that existed in America before WWII. That kind of Jew hatred was characterized by signs in front of certain establishments reading “No Jews and no dogs allowed.” That kind of Jew hatred by WASPs led to Jewish quotas at universities, exclusion from country clubs, hospital staffs, law firms and etc. It was the kind of Jew hatred exemplified by the President of the USA refusing to allow the St. Louis from disembarking Jews fleeing Hitler. It was the kind of Jew hatred that didnt bomb the railroads leading to Auschwitz. And now like the modern Left’s kind of Jew hatred he aligned himself with Muslims. The only way for this generation’s Jew hatred to end will be when Israel thoroughly defeats its barbaric enemies.
I have been saying that for the past thirty five years!!!!!and more convinced after legally immigrating to this country and learning about the tepid commitment to Israel from a large percentage of the Jewish community .May be now Jews will start learning the history of five thousands years of existing wandering the earth until the creation of Israel!!!! but.......I doubt it!!!!!
Bravo! Wish I could triple my “likes”.
Is it really a stretch for American citizens to be skeptical of Israeli intelligence operations without being hateful of Jewish people themselves? This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't see those two things as equivalent. Israel is a country, and Jews are a people. Americans are not their government or their CIA either.
The problem with your ‘skeptical stretch’ question is that Jews have an historical prologue as a scheming, nefarious people.
As long we can have a conversation about the intelligence of black people, the hygiene of Arabs, and the sobriety of the Irish, I agree with you.
Excellent comeback!
Why is it a requirement that we talk about "black people being stupid" and "Arabs being stinky" in order to talk about Israel's Mossad committing espionage?
It is not a requirement any more than questioning the veracity of Israeli intelligence operations. This conversation started with a skepticism of intelligence operations. A skepticism that operations happen or are the operations to be believed?
You seem (?) to be dealing in stereotypes, i.e., the cunning Jew; not to be trusted because they stick together to subjugate the world. Civilization witnessed a slaughter in Judea and Samaria, and the JEWS are being questioned? (not you, but others). As was said earlier, the animosity is historic and palpable, whether in Ancient Rome, NYC, Boston or tsarist Russia which gave us the phrase “beyond the pale” (don’t do business outside a perimeter).
The animosity is based on the Jews’ stubborn love of tradition and family and of the individual (who is made in the image of God); not the State or what’s called the Collective. It’s the reason O’Brien had to destroy Winston Smith.
Perhaps To Be a Jew is a reaction to a particular mob Action.
My mistake then, you kind of indicated that it was. I suppose I just don't see it this way, it doesn't require some grand jew-spiracy or hatred of Jewish people to be realistic and critical of Israeli intelligence operations.
Likewise, when the US runs its intelligence operations overseas, they do so by maintaining near complete plausible deniability themselves. They do so by recruiting sources and assets that are reliable, have an interest in the success of their country's mission, and are willing to operate in the US's interest. I don't see why that wouldn't be how Israel operates its own intelligence services, that's pretty universally how these kinds of things work.
What you're scapegoating as a "cunning jew" stereotype has nothing to do with jews, and is simply an aversion to covert intelligence operations. I don't trust the CIA either, and they're certainly very cunning, though not particularly Jewish.
It seems like our question comes down to whether we think it's at all possible that the nation of Israel would run some sort of influence operation on US soil beyond the normal Hasbarah. I think that is entirely plausible, but if you do not I understand. We should then look for evidence.
Thank you. Substacks, esp with a semblance of gravitas, teaches me a lot.
Intelligence operations of any government are a fair target for "skepticism" by anybody. Just look at the bugging of our allies under Obama; (and vice versa). But it is not "skepticism" that is the issue or the problem.
You had no problem when Rogan and his crew were using slurs against blacks and referring to black people as apes.
I don’t know Rogan, and never listened to his podcast in my life-not once. So I don’t know where or how you come off ascribing anything to me as a reaction.
Don’t engage with Tminuis1000, he’s a full time TROLL that used to go by Comprof2.0 on The Free Press. He’s an avowed lefty racist and instigator. DO NOT FEED this waste of time.
Awright. Our own personal authenticator.
You pin point accurate nailed it.
The page or the entire book? Never expected this idiocy from Joe Rogan.
I agree with the Henry Ford analogy, but I don't understand how Israel defeating its enemies is going to end this generation's Jew-hatred. It would be better for Israel, but how would it have any bearing on what Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and their ilk think and decide to share?
Each Israeli generation has to defeat the Jew-killers because the Jew-killers keep giving birth to subsequent Jew-killers. If Israel (aka The Jews) do nothing to defeat the Jew-killers then Israel (The Jews) will cease to exist.
Israeli defense and survival would have no bearing on Tucker Carlson, Candy Owens or their ilk because the aforementioned have been around, are around, and will be around. They and their ilk perpetuate this anti-semitic nonsense because they give succor by providing a platform for nonsense. In other words weeds will consume a beautiful lawn if nothing is done to stop their encroachment (witness Western Europe).
Tucker Carlson is an insufferable anti-semite who hasn't the balls to just come out and say he detests Jews and clearly announce his delusions about Jews, so he invites pseudo intellectual anti-semitic guests to espouse nuanced and sometimes blatant nonsense about Jews and/or Israel in order to stoke the ever present Jew hating embers. It sells. Disappointing but not surprising that Joe Rogan would also platform a Jew hater. It sells, and easy to digest for the gullible. What escapes these weasels is that if Jews really had such power, they would be in positions to obscure and hide their dastardly machinations and schemes, which are conducted to what end? Doesn't matter, they are just evil. In fact, these Jews are so manipulative and powerful that no doubt they control Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan, and for diabolical reasons want them to appear pure and untainted by Jewish manipulation. What must frustrate the Jew hater immensely is that Trump, thank G-d, doesn't share these delusions. Not only that, but Trump surrounds himself with Jews, trusts them, and has a daughter and grandchildren that are Jewish. Good G-d, since they are now members of the tribe, have they been read into the plot? Is Ivanka and her children now involved in the Ian Carroll screed, are they responsible too? Holy Hashem no, can't be. Maybe just Jared. Yup, just her husband Jared.
Everything you said about Trump is true. His number 2, Vance is a totally different story. I see him flipping on a dime post Trump and after he catches up on the latest news and conspiracy theories from his social media internet bros.
I see that, but I think it's because Vance is just too young to really get the history. Living through it is very different than reading a history book.
Weird that people had no problem with Rogan and his crew using racial slurs against others, referring to blacks as apes, etc.
What people are you talking about.
Is T-1000s comment actionable, I wonder? Don’t want to piss off a New York lesbian Jew! Although nowadays it’s safe to attack the latter.
She had no problem when Rogan dealt it out to others.
Bari Weiss. Nellie Bowles, Oliver Weisman and the entire The Free Press media ecosystem.
Why do you subscribe? As a subscriber are you not part of TFP media ecosystem, as you put it?
I subscribe to point out the lies, hyspocrisy, etc
...and general debate
Of course, being familiar with Bari's backstory, I was well aware of what a hypocritical, lying, disengenous trash person she is.
Bari was Rogan's biggest supporter during is "unfortunate episodes"/Spotify issues.
So, she, Nellie, etc. can miss me with ANY complaints/concerns about Rogan now.
Plese inable spill-chek
I have listened to many of his interviews and never heard anything of the sort from him. He voted for Obama, etc. Can you tell me which episode you're referring to?
Don’t engage with Tminuis1000, he’s a full time TROLL that used to go by Comprof2.0 on The Free Press. He’s an avowed lefty racist and instigator. DO NOT FEED this waste of time.
Provide evidence that I am a racist, liar.
I'll wait :)
So you're claiming that what I'm saying is false? :)
Yes or No?
Answer :)
Dude....go back to his early episodes. There were MANY, MANY articles about it. Spotify and Rogan agreed to take the episodes down, etc.
Bari even wrote about on Twitter, where she complained that anyone who said the episodes were the least bit tacky was a member of the "woke leftists mob," etc...etc...
Yep. Always wondered why the all-controlling Jews can’t control Jew-killers. Maybe they’re not a representation of חי, but of למוות.
I think this whole Epstein thing is a nothing burger and if it were a Pierre and the French secret service it would be a nothing burger dud. An "Epstein" or a Weinstein and the Jews makes it another fun antisemitic conspiracy theory for the internet bros. on the left, right and the Muslims. Why haven't these so called Epstein files been fully released already by the CIA? The only big name that could influence anything was Bill Clinton and he hasn't had any power for 25 years. Certainly the CIA directors under Obama and Biden weren't Mossad allies, one of them was a Muslim convert.
The sexual blackmailing of American and British businessmen and government officials/representatives doesn't strike me as a nothingburger, but perhaps it is and we're all tilting at windmills. Bill Clinton appears to have been quite connected with Epstein and flew on his Lolita Express many times. Epstein visited the White House during Bill Clinton's tenure at least 17 times according to public visitor logs, some of which were multiple instances on the exact same day. He also helped to finance the renovation of the West Wing of the White House. It seems unlikely that Bill Clinton would have exposed Epstein, and besides that was before he was exposed as a child sex predator. I think you have a valid question as to why Clinton has not blown the lid on Epstein since he seemed to be so close to him and must have had a lot of information.
CIA and other secret orgs dealing in blackmail? Shocking! I would say Epstein files have no bite except for one or two little details. Epstein "hung himself", no witesses, no security footage and the guards were immediately given immunity from prosecution for silence. There's something there, and it isn't Ireal, Jewish or Mossad.
I'm afraid you will probably be right, I'm also skeptical that of all things we'll get transparency on the Epstein files. But there is certainly something malodorous there, we at least know that.
Someone in the govt has these so called 20 year old files. Who in the current govt has an interest in keeping these so called files under wraps and protecting these all powerful businessmen and prior govt officials ? Trump?, prior CIA directors, Bondi?, Clinton allies who no longer exist in the govt:? I think it is a bunch of BS but great content for the bro antisemitic podcasts.
I think that's a great question, there are mountains of files that are kept classified for no apparent reason. Overclassification is a major issue all across the administrative level, not just in relation to Epstein. Why are so many files related to the JFK assassination still classified? Why are so many 9/11 documents classified? Why are so many classified documents related to intelligence on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic kept classified? What interest could they have in keeping old files like that secret? They only declassified the McCollum memo from pre-WWII in 1994, and before that we had no idea that Roosevelt had advance knowledge of Pearl Harbor.
I suppose you're doubting even the existence of such files at all. The files being kept secret would be all of the documents, records, personal effects, and evidence that were removed from Epstein's homes when they were raided by the FBI. Those were never fully released, in addition to a lot of evidence that was processed as a result of what they found. We know that a lot of evidence was siezed, it's not a matter of speculation.
“The Trump administration canceled grants and contracts totaling $400 million to Columbia University … “. That’s all???
Meaning there is more to cancel at Columbia or that there are more places at which to cancel funds?
I meant the former but would happily include the latter. So both.
Better Solutions from Thinking People.
It’s a start. I hope.
I love The Scroll and I really hate to be the one to say this, but the apparent relationship between Epstein and Mossad are unfortunately not this easily dismissible. Whitney Webb's book "One Nation Under Blackmail" is meticulously documented and sourced, but evidence of this connection is not unique to her publication. That's without even delving into victim and witness testimony.
Epstein wasn't necessarily a complete Mossad project, but to dismiss the idea that there was any relationship at all begets an unfamiliarity with the evidence in play. And that's just what is public. I must admit it seems somewhat implausible that there could be absolutely no connection between Mossad and Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who as we all probably know was a very prominent fellow in Mossad. I would be surprised if an intuitive and accomplished intelligence operation like Mossad let a connection like that alone go completely unutilized.
I do not see it as anti-Semitic to look at connections to foreign intelligence agencies, social networks of money and influence are how intelligence agencies operate. It's how the US CIA operates too, and I would be somewhat surprised if the CIA didn't have some sort of similar influence operations somewhere at some point. It seems like one of the most effective possible means of control there could be, in a business largely free from moral moorings. Somehow I doubt Jacob Siegel would entirely disagree with that. I would like to know Siegel's opinion on Epstein as it relates to some of what he uncovered in AGTUTHOTC, I respect his views greatly.
"Who as we all probably know was a very prominent fellow in Mossad." Is there any real documentation to back this up besides consipiracy theories?
I'm afraid so, a fair bit anyway.
The Wikipedia covers most of the connections I'm aware of, besides that his funeral was attended by a number of Israeli intelligence members. I don't believe it was officially confirmed by Mossad, although I don't know why it would be.
It's okay to admit that you and Whitney both have a case of Jew derangement syndrome whether it's manifested through Israel derangement syndrome or Islamic deflectionism or Vatican loyalty, not mentioning the Opus dei father of Bill Barr current director of the doj appointing Epstein in the seventies at the same time the same Opus deu ignored the member of opus dei spy Robert Hanson for 20 years after he had confessed to his priest who told higher ups who told higher ups in the US who were Opus deu shh.. eventually the church going Robert Hansen's proclivity for getting Americans killed couldn't be overlooked anymore as his Opus dei service to the Vatican could no longer be overlooked yet Bill Burr is still in charge of the doj and how many Opus members are on the supreme Court along with those promoted by the heritage foundation who are not open but still connected to the Vatican
No one wants to talk about the drama that occurred voting for John Kennedy and his loyalty to the Vatican. Vatican apologists like Michael Collins point their fingers at the Jews 🤏
As if the volumes of evidence regarding Jesuit influence that is verifiable suddenly disappeared because Epstein and reasons 😆😅😂
No CIA director is a Muslim convert. This is nonsense. Please supply your sources. Until then it is fake news
Here's a news flash. The comments are not news,fake or otherwise, they are comments.
Not only Islamic Brennan was a communist for decades
Interesting that in all the content in a Scroll article in the Tablet, and all the comments, this is what triggers someone...the possible "Islamophobia".
The popes unwavering support for Israel and Jews
May the skatepark that you built for the Jews to grind away daily between your ears continue to be fully populated with smiling thriving happy Jewish families from Judea and Samaria and all over the world ongoingly and forever more.
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed
Fight the Jews and Christians until they pay the jizya said 5x daily by half the planet yet ignored bythe Islamic deflectionists who proclaim the Pope's and Queen Elizabeth's loyalty to the Jews because of Bill Barr's dad the secretive opus dei devotee appointing Mr Epstein in the 70s to his position of power, not that the Jesuits or Vatican could possibly have any pull no that would be absurd it's those usury inflicting power grabbing warmongering Jews 🤏
Regarding Rogan, the success of Epstein & co’s endeavors led to the remarkable result of no Israeli wars during his covert existence. Additionally, there were no UN anti-Israel resolutions or sanctions, and Queen Elizabeth’s historic visit to Israel would not have been possible. The Pope’s unwavering support for Israel and Jews due to Epstein. Even the CIA and US State Department exhibited extreme cooperation with the Zionist thugs. Some might question the ethics and morality of this covert operation but as one crypto Jew noted, the ends always justify the means…..
Thank the lord Trump has Jewish grandchildren! Being very sardonic for those too caught up in Jew paranoia.
In addition to your list of Judeophiles was (drum roll, please) Rev Dr Martin Luther King.
An admirer of Judaism, he was also a staunch Zionist.
Oy, Keffiyeh-laden heads will explode at Barnard and Columbia. MLK monuments will be toppled. The heads of Tlaib and Omar will rotate á la Linda Blair.
Sardonicism noted.
I can hope.
Interesting video re: Ian Carroll and his absolutist statements re: Israel.
And really anyone making absolutist statements about anything:
Whitney Webb posted her own “pushback” and clarification since Carroll references her extensively:
Good nuanced reply from Webb. Her interviews when her book was released in 2022 are a good overview of what her book is about, for those who haven't taken time to read it yet. Israel is really only a part of the Epstein story.
Excellent video - thanks for sharing!
I caution against damning Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson on the basis of who they interview (like many did Carlson post his Putin interview). Rogan in particular makes an effort to interview people with different viewpoints. We saw this clearly during Covid - and also in the run up to the election when he was trying to interview Kamala and not just Trump. Rogan doesn’t pretend to be an expert on political and medical issues. He doesn’t do heavy research to interrogate his interviewees, he mostly lets them talk and asks a few questions (see excellent interview with Mike Benz). We need these inquisitive voices and platforms. They are not meant to be sermons to follow. I consider their podcasts part of an invaluable free speech process.
Whitney Webb, whose research and book Ian Carroll references extensively, posted an interesting “clarification” on X to distance herself from some of his rhetoric:
I've never listened to Joe Rogan. I was heading for the exit in the first paragraph because I was afraid I was going ti hear "they had it coming". I'm glad I kept reading.
Newsom has no "e" on its end.
Yes it does, and it's spelled "Nuisance"!
AIPAC is "mythical?"
The authors wax between writing of a history of subversive Jewish plots aimed at the west and an assertion that Jewish power is a myth.
534 Congressmen and Senators stood and applauded for the archetect for greater Israel, one stayed home. That's real power.
Yet c a i r remains an uninvited co-conspirator with 110 counts against them with Islamic representation growing across the country with the intent to install Sharia and a caliphate worldwide but you keep worrying about them Jews
Fight the Jews and Christians until they pay the jizia seems like a disqualifying belief for immigration to allow yet... Ilhan Omar says it five times a day as she flaunts her American disdain daily while being married to her cousin brother to commit immigration fraud, then after committing election campaign finance fraud she divorced her cousin brother to marry her election fraud manager to this day, she's been arrested check out the bald looking photo for a hoot, her daughter is a subversive along with Kamala Harris's who has fundraised for Gaza and despite her looks somehow has a modeling career. Somehow Kamala whose father was a Marxist professor and brought her and others to Marxist gatherings in Berkeley was installed in the oval office despite being the last finalist for the demorrhoid candidacy but it for sure is the j 😭😜🤣
Thanks, Isaac for Roy Ben-Tzvi.
I worry that if someone reads this and doesn't get the satire or quotes it out of context — it could be bad for Jews (if it's possible to get any worse). It takes a while to get to the "all kidding aside" line.