May 16Liked by Park MacDougald

Lee Smith hits the nail on the head-the issue is not that the US is witholding arms and intelligence from Israel as a bribe not to go into Rafah but that before 10/7, the US was witholding intelligence about what Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran were planning, which in no small measure can be traced to the actions and plans of Robert Malley and his band of Iranian and Hamas agents of influence who occupy critical positions in the national security apparatus of the US.

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Yo Steven , in December 2001 Fox News Reporter Carl Cameron announced a six part news Series in which he was going to show:

1- IsraHell had advanced knowledge of the 09/11 attacks but REFUSED to share the Intel

2- Videos of Israeli "students" dancing and celebrating after we were hit.

So Shut the fuck up.

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IsraHell [clever!] had advanced knowledge of the 09/11 attacks but REFUSED to share the Intel...

any proof of this?

Also, if I recall properly, the FBI and the White House had intelligence reports that there were Saudis in America plotting an attack, which they ignored. I've never seen elsewhere that Israel had more solid info than the American govt did itself. This would be shocking, if true.

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"Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe....There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it.."

"some believe" "suspect" Israelis "may have"—this mostly seems to be unsubstantiated gossip and doesn't even rise to the level of any kind of evidence, never mind proof.

Beware confirmation bias.

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NOW, IF YOU ARE FUCKING ASS-K-NAZI ZIONIST , . I can appreciate you being non-chalant but if you are an American Patriot you have to wonder where the fuck did the state Department get the authority to stop a Fox News Report and to stop the FBI from investigating the "students":


Fuck you , now.

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You have my deepest sympathies for your obvious mental illness. Your rage and hatred cannot possibly wound me, they can only poison your own mind and spirit, as they evidently have.

God bless.

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Congress should hold hearings now on what the intelligence establishment knew about the plans of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran before 10/7 , what was told to Israel and what was withheld from Israel.

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Malley and his plants within the national security and intelligence communities should be questionned as to what they knew pre 10/7, and what they told their masters in Teheran and what they withheld from Israel both before and after 10/7.

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It’s likely the US was behind the disinformation campaign to convince Israel that Hamas could be deterred with money and jobs in Israel for Gazans. Why else would the Israelis believe such a delusional, suicidal, ahistorical idea particularly after the collapse of Oslo?

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That’s a fascinating idea

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THe ASS-K-NAZI Zionist have been murdering , maiming and terrorizing Palestinians since 1924 and you want to know what Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran were planning on doing ?!?!?!?


Now the Historical evidence showns that the AKNs have been trying to steal Palestine in its entirety and Southern Lebanon up to and including the Litani River.

BUT the 10/7/2023 incident was a FALSE FLAG OPERATION WHEREIN BIBI DECIDED TO LET HAMAS KILL SOME AKNS IN EXCHANGE FOR THE GAZI STRIP AND ITS NEWLY FOUND OIL RESERVES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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https://www.jns.org/buried-facts-about-the-gaza-war/ There are Iranian agents of influence within the national security establishment -you can be sure that they are doing everything to make sure that the views of Hamas are parroted by Biden

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Every time the U.S. has tried to use nation-building to solve a foreign policy problem, it has failed and walked away. Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, you name it. If an emergency nation-building effort succeeds in Gaza, I'll be shocked. Nobody in their right mind wants to try. But Israel cannot walk away from Gaza the way the U.S. always does. I think that Israel ends up ruling Gaza, with the "international community" doing the most possible to help Palestinian fighters make that a miserable experience for everyone.

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The subject matter of these hearings strikes me as equally important to hauling college presidents in front of the cameras as to the malignant growth of anti Semitism on college campuses.

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It is noteworthy but ideologically entirely predictable that Obama has said nothing that could remotely be interpreted as a condemnation of the anti Semitic rhetoritlc and demands of the rioters on college campuses.

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What’s behind Tablet’s frequent claims, repeated in this most recent Scroll issue, that Obama/Biden (O’Biden?), mideast strategy is built around Iran?

I understand there’s ample support for the strategy’s existence, but what drives it in the minds of O’Biden officials both past and present?

Obama hates Israel? Obama’s a closet Shiite? Obama hates western civilization? The entire strategy rests on some Machiavellian corruption scheme for power and wealth acquisition?

How does one understand the motives?

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See herehttps://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/david-garrow-interview-obama Obama did not spend so many years in Reverend Wright's church merely going to the equivalent of a shul's "Kiddush Clubg" ( where some members in a shul used to go for a little drink ) for a drink when Wright spewed anti Semitism in his sermons and was photographed with Farakan . Obama clearly dislikes Israel because he views it solely as being created as a result of the Holocaust, as opposed to the traditional historical homeland of the Jewish People , would not criticize African American anti Semitism and viewed the Jewish community and its support for Israel as part of their support for the Democratic Party as an element of his open disdain for American execeptionalism and meritocracy which he viewed his election as a mandate to "transform" America into the land of CRT, DEI, climate change and gender fluidity . There is no doubt that if personnel make policy as George Schultz said, that this administration is loaded with Obama administration returnees and radicals on the issues of race, climate and gender. The anti Semitic riots on college campuses and Biden's caving in for the votes of Dearborn are clearly alienating the Jewish community and leading many to either vote for Trump, with or without holding their noses while doing so, or siimply abstaining-That is their choice in a constitutional republic.

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Appreciate the reply.

I’ll check out the link.

I don’t dwell between his ears but for the sake of argument let’s say Obama is a raging antisemite. Is the claim then that he protected the Iranian regime and their nuclear breakout because he believed them to be the candidates most likely to destroy the Israelis?

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I think that Obama views himself more as a citizen of the world snd disciple of Davos and has contempt for anyone including Israelis who find his views naive and dangerous

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Why does Israel bow to USA? Is USA really an ally or a traitor? Israel is stronger if she makes alliances with the countries around her and roots out the terrorist entities living at her borders. UN peacekeepers are useless as shown by how well they are doing in Lebanon!

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I love the smell of mutiny in the morning


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