Major Fox's article was excellent-The aim of the IDF is to render Hamas from repeating 10/7, not the conquest and holding of Gaza, and the IDF has been very successful in reducing Hamas' military capacity whenever and wherever it surfaces even in areas which the IDF previously took control of -all of which thankfully runs contrary to the unsuccessful American counterinsurgency strategy with minimal civilian loss

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Anyone who is admitted to any university or graduate school solely under DEI criteria raises the question as to whether they can master the course material and be professionally competent. Any lawyer in a malpractice case against such a doctor would he well advised to inquire how well the person did in medical school, ,including the passage of the tests mentioned in the article.

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I think this DEI effort is going to backfire horribly because while a doctor's race used to be immaterial, is anyone going to be treated by an underrepresented minority from this school without having qualms about competence? This is how racism will begin when there was none.

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This is ugly and sad because in the end while the race bureaucrats grow fat and powerful from their social engineering, black professionals of the future will have to live with an asterisk attached to them, which will say "Did this person get their job because of competence or because of politics?"

I have a great black doctor I love, but he is around age 70. I hate to say it, but I would be hesitant to hire any professional "of color" under age 40 or so, because there's no way to know how heavy a thumb was put on the scale for them.

Social Justice (like all top-down schemes) always privatives the gains (in this case both professional and moral) and socializes the losses. None of these enlightened bureaucrats ever have to face consequences for their decisions.

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My 20 years of Women doctors ( 70 year old man) has me agreeing that they are not of sufficient quality. Many mistakes later, I now have a white male dr. I feel he had to be good to get through DEI. He is excellent in comparison mostly.in empathy. Which mistakenly, I thought women have.

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You'll find that many prestigious hospitals now have signs in the lobby requiring patients to "accept diversity" and warning patients can be turned away if they refuse.

Asking for medical school test results would be a perfect excuse.

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Omg lmao

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Regarding Fauci’s aide David Morens email:

“And, in a final ironic twist, Morens wrote in a June 16, 2020, email to Daszak: “We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn’t put them in emails and if we found them we’d delete them.””

To paraphrase a line from Woody’s Manhattan, perhaps Moren’s IQ is in remission?

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