Beautiful thoughts, beautifully written by a beautiful man. If anyone remains unmoved by the events of the past two weeks, and the promise of freedom and peace that they portend, their heart is indeed made of stone. May this be just the beginning of the unraveling of the mullahcracy that has seemingly been flourishing, sustained on the tears and blood of the good people of our cousin faith.

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What we are seeing is thanks to Israel is the imploding of Obama’s pipe dream of a Middle East dominated by Iran with Israel only allowed to play defense when attacked by Iranian subsidized terror Do not be shocked or surprised by whatever wherever and however Israel responds to this attack

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I need to say one other thing.

After Israel’s heroic and extraordinarily dangerous war feats, all of a sudden a lot of people (even some in the corrupt US administration), are now magically all gung-ho for Israel to fight on, now claiming “Israel has the right to defend itself!” when once upon a time they were all about “ceasefires” and “genocides”.

Many of these people make me want to puke.

Where were they on October 8, 2023? Or for the last 12 months?

If they’ve come to their senses, well, it’s about frickin’ time.

But as far as I’m concerned, they’ve all marked themselves for the quislings they really are, and may they all soon find themselves in the same “pile of historical insignificance” that Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and the mullahs of Iran will all soon find themselves, by the grace and mercy of God.

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Israel’s astounding war accomplishments have also had another, and equally as profound effect: people around the world for the first time in a very, very long time have felt what winning at war actually feels like, some younger people never having felt or even known it in their whole lives.

And these feats have not just brought a feeling of jubilance and exhilaration, but also, and even more importantly of hope: hope that true and lasting peace is actually possible. But not without first having the steel-eyed determination and enormous faith courage to do what needs to be done.

It is only through the utter vanquishing of evil, that good can flourish.

In this fight for its very life, Israel has single-handedly revived that basic and unbending truth, and not just in its own people, but in people around the world.

Deuteronomy 30:19

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live”

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