Boston Tea Party: angry colonists storm a ship and dump all its crates of tea in the harbor, harming no one but making a political statement;

10/7: a band of bloodthirsty fanatics break a ceasefire to torture and murder around a thousand people, taking many others hostage, while weeping with joy at finally getting a chance to spill Jewish blood.

It's always bracing to see what confirmation bias and intellectual conformity do to a brain—Trevor Noah joins the rest of our elite culture class in excusing a massacre rather than standing up to an ignorant fanatic who has the same skin color and plays for the same team.

I'm reminded of the summer of 2020 when American journalism replaced truth and fact with "moral clarity"—why and how is it that EVERY time some person or group proclaims to represent and incarnate a higher moral standard, they end up shortly either excusing or perpetrating the worst crimes? The Social Justice vanguard has the same "moral clarity" as the Jacobins or the Bolsheviks—they want to destroy all their political opponents (or at least watch them suffer) and call this Justice.

And if the price to be paid is only a few thousand dead Israelis, what's that to them? Jews are always the first one under the bus on the road to the Brave New World.

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Great comment. They just hate Jews. They should just admit that. They are too stupid to realize the Jews are the canary in the coal mine. Their Apparatchiks will be the first to meet the guillotine.

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Great article. And yes, quite hard to believe that questions need to be run by the "Race and Culture" unit. How can that fit in in a supposed news organization?

Dokoupil had the temerity to suggest a saint of the woke religion might be wrong.

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Thou Shalt Not Criticize a POC is the First Commandment of the Social Justice faith.

And Social Justice is the sacred belief system of our elite liberal classes throughout the West, with the MSM their Vatican.

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Noah and Coates are both grossly ignorant of history and are grifters who play the race card because nothing sells for them

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I wasn’t a fan of Coates and his impact on our politics but I’m actually more with him on this issue. You can’t eliminate terrorism without ending the occupation, from Lee Fang’s twitter: “Vietcong bombed cafes, schools, etc to resist U.S. occupation, were called a death cult. Zionist militias like the Irgun pre-Israel bombed marketplaces, the King David Hotel, etc — were called terrorists. The issue wasn’t religion —the tactics ended once statehood was realized.” I think it’s best America stops attaching itself on the hip so much with what Israel is doing in Gaza.

It’s funny but elite media is more comfortable with Coates calling America an apartheid system than calling Israel an apartheid system. Now, I get the sensitivity but tbh I’m fed up of Israel. They’re a smit of a country of 11 million people and not a superpower, it’s insane how much of our national discourse is about Israel. I have seen members of Congress wear IDF uniform in United States Congress and call Israel “our most important ally”? I’m sorry what?? They’re not even the top 10.

Israel is entirely dependent on international trade and U.S. support for its entire existence. I’m sick of hearing that we don’t have leverage over Israel and that we shouldn’t exercise it to get them in line with regards to international law. I don’t share the sentiments of Palestinian nationalists and campus tentists, but Israel is an albotross around America. It’s making it harder for us to make the moral case for defending Ukraine. We need to pivot to Asia and get out of the ME. Once we stop subsidizing Israel and they stop socializing the risk of their impunity, Israel will be forced to make peace. Asia is the future - we need to focus.

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gurl do you not realize that EVERY Muslim society is an ••actual•• apartheid system? that's exactly what dhimmi status is.

it's nothing but DARVO with "Palestine" supporters though... what else is new ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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As his relevance is waning, Ta-Nehisi Coates is an obvious fraud and just another narcissist. He brings attention with tired race hustling tropes, he's just another propagandist. He does not deserve any agency.

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Coates (like his fellow quarterwit Ibram X. Kendi) has alws been an imbecile. Gotta wonder whether he realizes how "Palestinians" would treat Black folks given the chance •_____•

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It is beyond surreal to contemplate where and how we have come to such a place we now find ourselves in this world.

For a once generally highly educated people, especially steeped in the study of history, particularly the lessons to be gained by the triumph of good over evil, there have always been those controversial and upstart factions from without, poking at and antagonizing the system developed and derived from such study.

But all of a sudden, (or it just appears to be suddenly), those very upstart, antagonistic factions have managed to become the system itself, whereby all previous reason, logic, intellectual honesty and even common sense itself has been altogether thrust aside, in favor of embracing and enforcing an ever growing cascade of delusional theory and dogma in their place.

In short, we now find ourselves living in a society being wholly supported and implemented by a system comprised of people who have lost their ever-loving minds!

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Funny how all you “heterodox” thinkers happen to fall in line with the military industrial complex and elite wings of both major political parties on this one.

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cancelled 😡

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Thanks for sharing.

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