I think if you gave some truth serum to moral cretins like Joseph Massad and T-N Coates et al. they would confess to having a tremendous envy of Jews, Israel, and the amazing success of both the world's smallest most hated minority and the prosperous democracy they carved out of a small patch of desert.

How else to explain their obsessive focus on their opponent while expecting us not to notice that their own homes and people have never built anything as strong or excellent? How else to explain this constant endless focus on another people while never once admitting their own side's many failures? What is there to think or say about any person or group who blames all their problems on someone else?

The Bolsheviks hated Jews for their financial success, the Germans deeply hated Jews for both their financial success and intellectual dominance, and following in their footsteps are the Black Panther-types who hate Jews for having a level of success they could only dream of while the Islamofascists reek with envy over the power and wealth of Israel, as their states remain backwards backwaters.

They want to destroy what they could never create.

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This is also, so my theory goes, of why Jews are now "white oppressors" instead of a minority who has suffered historical oppression and discrimination and Asians are now "white adjacent". Both groups focus on the importance of education, family ties, and entrepreneurship. As a result, both groups are more successful than average. That blows a big hole in the "minorities can't succeed because of institutional prejudice" mantra. Therefore, Jews and Asians will no longer be considered to be minorities who experience prejudice, ergo - white.

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Saviorism is at the root of the Oppressed/Oppressor binary and the politics that flow from it—the desire for Western liberals/Leftists to present themselves as a moral elite who defend the downtrodden—so once your tribe/people proves it can stand on it on its own two feet and needs no help, they have to be moved over to the Oppressor column, as the Savior morality/worldview demands it, bc like u said, otherwise their program falls apart. The choice is to either be a helpless victim to be rescued or an enemy to be attacked.

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“Grievance Politics” has been the Modus Operandi of the Democrat party for generations. They must always have a “victim” constituency who can only succeed by virtue of their benevolent and superior “hand up - hand out” policies.

They’ve done it to Blacks here for over a hundred years, telling them, in not so many words, “you are incapable of succeeding without our constant largesse”, one the most denigrating and insulting of grotesque manipulations imaginable.

However, over time as that cruel gambit began to fall apart, (a progressively more colorblind society, more equal opportunity, the end of Affirmative Action, etc.), and the hand-outs now endangered, the law of unintended consequences being what it is, a whole new monster emerged, far more radical and destructive, and clever:

Inherent Racism! It’s not only always been the cause of all their suffering, it is actually the “original and eradicable sin”!!

As a result, we are now experiencing a wholesale “dumbing down” of education and employment, solely because they came to actually buy in to the propaganda (or co-opt it) fed to them for generations that the playing field was always rigged against them.

So they took over the whole playing field and rigged it for themselves. But tragically, only for that image of themselves they’d had burnished into their minds, that grotesque and horrible lie that they truly were inferior, so now everyone else will have to be too.

Crazy, tragic and dangerous.

God help us now.

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I have long held the belief that Mohammed concocted the entire Islamic religion out of whole cloth, ingeniously incorporating much found in the basis of the Jewish religion, as well as those of Christianity, because he envied them, and the powerful unity and ability to prosper such faith afforded their people, something at that time the Arabs sorely lacked.

He cleverly studied the tenets and faith of both religions, selecting and insinuating bits and pieces of their concepts into his whole new, and entirely fabricated religion, not just to give Arabs a unifying rallying point to compete with Jewish and Christian success, but eventually to set off and conquer them both.

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Yes. What convenient timing that when Columbus was "good" he was Italian, and now that he's "bad" he is a Jew.

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Happy Disingenuous People’s Day!

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Thanks for sharing this.

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