Socrates and Aristotle - good one.

Of course, no reporting on the attack on Richman or calls for jihad in NYC, other than at the NY Post. Meanwhile, Tony Dokoupil questions antisemite Ta-Nehisi Coates about his book and CBS News accuses him of engaging in journalism.

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Once again, Biden, Blinken & Sullivan are throwing Israel under the bus so as to appease Iran and the far left base of the Democrats. The anti Netyanyahu and left of center Times of Israel otherwise known as Haaretz for Dummies is reporting the following https://www.timesofisrael.com/gallants-trip-to-us-delayed-reportedly-after-netanyahu-sets-last-minute-obstacles/ and https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/report-us-in-talks-with-iran-arab-states-for-ceasefire-on-all-war-fronts/

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“ Haaretz for Dummies “——well put

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"Jake Sullivan promising that Washington would work with Israel to impose “severe consequences” on Iran". Right. Que up the strongly worded memo.

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With admiration for Tablet and respect for bald journalistic accuracy, is there not a line of linguistic decency that need not be crossed in quoting foul language? One can imagine a 12th grade teacher's blue pencil on a student report and the student righteously citing flagrant examples of presidential potty mouth.

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What this administration has been doing to Israel ever since October 8, 2023, while it has literally been thrust into a life and death battle for its very survival, utterly defies description.

It is beyond diabolical.

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