T-N Coates is a mediocre monomaniac who got rich and famous showing his scars to the progressive aristocrats who control our culture—he's sort of a 21st-century blues singer—and who served up delicious slices of the narratives that most tickle the erogenous zones of white liberals, more or less the "White Supremacy" canard where our mostly tolerant and very diverse country is actually still ruled by Jim Crow, which is even more evil now as it's unseen and implicit. This made him one of the first stars of the modern White Guilt Industrial Complex and thus gave him his sacred halo, which is why it feels ugly and blasphemous for our cultural betters to see him criticized.

Not surprisingly, after collecting his loot Coates went on to write comic books, and also unsurprisingly, he took his comic-book morality and comic-book conceptions of the world on a vacation to Israel where—shockingly!—his Manichaean monomania showed him Jim Crow all over again, this time with Jews as the KKK and the Palestinians as poor innocent victims crying for freedom.

Being baptized a genius by the White Guilt Industrial Complex has served him poorly—he really seems to believe that his vibes and feelings and his status as Oppressed POC allows him to pronounce judgement on peoples he barely knows, who speak languages he doesn't know, and to ignore all sorts of obvious historical facts like the many peace plans Israel has offered that the Arabs rejected or the genocidal fantasies of Hamas.

Someone should have shared the wisdom of Rabbi Shemuel ben Nachmani with him: “We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.”

But Coates is a genius, he doesn't need any wisdom!

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White Guilt Industrial Complex, lol, not bad!!

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HFS. Excellent comment-response!

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Coates is as anti Semitic as he is anti American. Thank God Redstone sided with the interviewer.

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The apple falleth not far from the tree?

Behind a paywall, but enlightening: “Paul Coates, father of journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates, republishing antisemitic screed ‘The Jewish Onslaught’”, at Jewish Insider


Excerpt from article: “But even as Coates has been celebrated for nurturing such contemporary authors as Walter Mosley and reissuing works by W.E.B. Du Bois, among other luminaries, his company has also recently chosen to spotlight an antisemitic screed that seeks to uphold a widely discredited conspiracy theory alleging Jewish domination of the Atlantic slave trade.

Called The Jewish Onslaught, the book was self-published in 1993 by Tony Martin, a former professor of Africana studies at Wellesley College who had faced backlash for approvingly teaching an infamous tract from the Nation of Islam purporting to show that Jews played a disproportionate role in the slave trade — a claim historians have dismissed as factually inaccurate.”

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Ugh… I just “read” The Message, and by read I mean listened to because I work overnights and can listen easier than read. Why read his shit at all? Know thy enemy.

Coates reads the audio himself. They use death metal to torture Islamist terrorists; this is my personal equivalent.

He has some uniquely irritating speech patterns. Let me “axe” you something… axe instead of ask. That’s fine, charming even, given the speaker. It’s a flourish that we can put on our speech; or not, up to you.

Then; I hear him mispronouncing Al-Aqsa as “All-Aska” and I lose it. He eventually, probably at someone else’s insistence, to not add that “flourish” because no one knows what the fuck “All-Aska” is. Axe anyone

Then there’s the apparent Jew hate… boooo. And, why do I do this to myself again? Know thy enemy.

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CBS' "Race and Culture Unit" , how Orwellian.

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The left always need their Ministry of Truth to tell them what to believe, what to say, or more importantly not to say, and how to confess to their original sin.

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“ CBS News Race and Culture Unit”

….The world gets more bizarre and dystopian by the minute these days.

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Admin Rosen’s article, “Giving Thanks to God at Auschwitz”


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