Yay us! 14 days in jail for one of dozens of violent antifa thugs.

Don't get me wrong, this is a victory, especially next door to Portlandia. But I'm depressed that this is what a victory looks like.

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I think the MSM logic is 'we prove that no one beheaded and ate a duck, ergo immigration isn't a problem.'

And I thought that "U.S. says near deal between Israel and Hamas" had simply become part of the byline for the Wall Street Journal, like "all the news that's fit to print" and "democracy dies in darkness," both of which also aren't true.

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I don't say this enough (or never, but gotta start sometime). The Scroll is amazing. Thank you for your hard work. Your definitely deserve to be profiled (trying not to judge the fantasy being a profile in The New Yorker... I guess there's no such thing as bad press), hope to read the profile somewhere worthy of you soon.

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Have the people of Clackamas County - or Portland for that matter - still not connected the dots yet, revealing that the same groups Antifa likes to target just so happen to be those the Democrat party is also is fond of targeting, and that it is their own progressive Democrat DA’s that are loathe to even arrest much less try these criminals for their lawless thuggery?

It’s not a coincidence. And until they do make the connection, and rid themselves of the true aiders and abettors of these violent agitators they’re not going away.

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Hey Park, I've been waiting for an article about pushback in Portland. What I'd really like to read is the Jewish perspective of how their community is holding up with the lawlessness in Portland and Seattle. For example, have Jewish families fled? What are the synagogues doing for security? Have Jewish neighborhoods been attacked by Antifa? Thanks for all you do especially the Friday morning briefings.

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