What in the world is Blake Smith going on about … is that a parody of the execrable Butler dame? Are we meant to take seriously Smith’s own striver jargon … Butler is nothing but a charlatan … Does bringing in Hegel, Gadamer and then French misunderstandings of the Germans make something make sense that doesn’t make sense?

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Another excellent Scroll: well written, informative, an excellent resource.

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In The Back Pages Heidegger is described tout court as a Nazi philosopher. He was indeed a member of the NSDAP but whether this has any relation to his philosophy is a matter of considerable controversy among philosophers.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Heidegger_and_Nazism

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The entire Foreign Policy, (if you can even call it that), of the Biden Administration is totally schizophrenic.

They’ve tied themselves into so many knots they rival King Gordius.

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