I don’t think that I will add these two books to my list…

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

"SKS assault rifle" Huh?! If it was an SKS, there was never a full auto version of that semi-antique, semi-auto weapon... which was regarded as so sufficiently harmless that GIs serving in VN were allowed to bring them back home to the USA as war souvenirs.

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DIY Judaism has a long and sorry record of providing an ersatz form of Jewish identity The holiness of Shabbos can only be experienced in refraining from constructive endeavors special meals dedicated to the uniqueness of the day and special prayers preferably as part of a Jewish community

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These two books are not on my bucket list

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Re: the Churchill revisionism debate

Watched a great interview by Ben Shapiro with true historian, Niall Fergusson, who proceeded to most deftly take apart the lunacy of Daryl Cooper’s (and by default Mr. Carlson as well) historic musings, most notably pointing out that he was selectively mouthing the precise propaganda used by the Nazi’s themselves to cloak their very deliberate and calculatedly malevolent evil actions.

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The New York Times Tech Guild [demands]… a four-day work week combined with a pay raise, “unlimited break time,” “accommodations for pet bereavement,” and “mandatory trigger warnings in company meetings discussing events in the news... that nonwhite staffers should get extra money to attend conferences and that noncitizens should be the last to lose their jobs in the event of layoffs… still pressing for the inclusion of a “journalistic integrity” clause in its contract, which would give the tech workers a voice in the paper’s editorial decisions.”

These people have got to be high. Either that or certifiably insane- or both.

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