The Obama/ Biden administration is going to get Israel killed - maybe even wants to - and all because of the US election?

Without a sure commitment of US support, they know they’re tying Israel’s hands in a war against Hezbollah, and I will wager that’s just what they’re telling them: “if you go, you go alone.”

This administration has no qualms about killing people if it serves their purposes. They’re been busy getting Ukrainians killed by the hundreds of thousands, for what? And two attempts against the former President, inspired by their incessant volatile rhetoric, because he threatens their hold on power.

They are evil incarnate.

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Who is Tablet’s geopolitical analyst? And why is s/he anonymous?

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I believe it is Tony Badran, he specializes in Levant.

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No, Tony is named. The analyst is always referred to only as “Tablet’s geopolitical analyst,” including in the excerpt written by Tony in today’s edition.

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Hmm. Suspicious 🤨

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HRC was woke long before it was fashionable

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How does the old saying go? “He who pays the piper calls the tune.”

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“Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced that “each one” of the 33 bomb threats was a “hoax” that originated “overseas.”

And just why, I’d like to know, might it be that DeWine refuses to specifically name the country or country’s “overseas” behind the hoaxes?

Could it be that it is total BS and in actuality some “actors” within our own government (FBI, IC), are behind it, thus he is reluctant to implicate another foreign government? If it were, say, Russia, they’ve certainly never been shy about implicating them for just about anything.

Whatever the reason, it just makes the whole story seem all the more suspicious.

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I usually agree with the Scroll about most things but not Ukraine. The kill/wounded ratio for both Ukraine was nonsense.

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