In the face of the greatest force for evil since the Nazi regime, the West has become a pathetically feeble milquetoast, leaving Israel to stand alone to fight for civilization and its existence. It is utterly shameful.

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The West is far worse than “milquetoast.”

They are flagrantly siding with Israel’s existential enemies.

The world has gone stark raving mad.

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The UK despite recognizing Israel has never had especially warm diplomatic relations with Israel. More critically, the death of every hostage and IDF fatality or casualty lies at the hand of Biden & Co. who refused to give Israel the tools to do the job, tied the hands of Israel behind its back and schemed with the Israeli left to topple Bibi's coalition in their eternal dream that peace with Hamas would allow Israel as noted by Gadi Taub to become a Hebrew speaking Sweden

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Re: article, “The Stealth Revolution in American Voting”

“ Returning American voting laws to what they were even a decade ago and bringing them a little more in line with the Somalilands and Taiwans of the world seems a better way toward repairing what has become a gaping breach than openly fantasizing about a future civil war. But this is apparently impossible now.”

There exists a sound and proven system for a more trusted manner of elections.

But no.

The Democrats have thoroughly gamed the system ( and Republicans have been weak and feckless in preventing it), to make suspicion and doubt about our elections an absolute given.

No matter who wins, the people on either side will be sufficiently suspicious and outraged, creating ever more disunity and discontent in the country, and possibly even worse scenarios to arise.

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