Liel Liebowitz hits the nail on the head

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He has been calling it and writing about the negative influence of American politics on leftist Israelis for years. grateful for his wisdom and vision

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Yes. Some of the individuals serving as the subject matter for this piece may have been hit in head WITH a nail. ;)

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Tucker Carlson had become the Pat Buchanan of this century replete with crackpot conspiracy theories and revisionist Nazi denial history

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Between Tucker’s two recent podcasts, one featuring that dim bulb Darryl Cooper posing as an historian, and another with Jeffrey Sachs, an economist who as recently as 2020 was all in with the WEF’s worldwide economic reset, it’s hard to think he’s not got some kind of an agenda.

His frightening ignorance of history, not to mention human nature, is quite breathtaking.

He needs to take a sabbatical.

Sadly, he’s going on tour instead.

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"Churchill was pushed by “Zionist” financiers to drag the United States into a war that it had no business fighting ..." Tucker is incredibly ignorant about basic history, available to anyone with a browser and five minutes of time. First, he lets Putin snow him with a fake history of Russia - and Putin was incredulous that Tucker was swallowing it hook, line, and sinker - and now this. The fact is that Churchill did not "drag" the US into a war with Hitler, Hitler declared war on the US on December 11, 1941 in concordance with Germany's obligations under the Axis Pact. Hitler declared war on the US, not the other way around, and Tucker was ignorant of this and let Cooper snow him, too, with a bunch of fake BS. Tucker is an entertainer, not a serious professional (either journalist or historian, take your pick). He has this braying jackass laugh, and it fits him well, he's our modern-day Lord Haw-Haw... The fact that so many take him seriously, and uncritically swallow and propagate the crap he spews is a testament to their ignorance of history as well.

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Wow are the horseshoes getting active. On the march against the "Zionists". Carlson, Owens, Chen with Gays for Palestine Greenwald, Sachs, and I now I see Bret Weinstein getting in as well. Dave Rubin with the Israeli husband needs to abandon ship. I don't see him selecting Hitler over Churchill but one never knows these days.

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Thank you for an utterly brilliant analysis, both of U.S. and Israeli politics-also very depressing, alas. The level of global hypocrisy and stupidity in the U.S. is staggering, and probably not going to change. The Israelis are trapped in being "chosen" for an existence they didn't choose and don't deserve. With the overt, unapologetic, vicious antisemitism of the "Left" (and Jews vote left), we are in a terrible period in time. I wanted to forward The Scroll to my rabbi, but he's busy blaming Bibi.

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"‘Bring Them Home’ Is Bringing Us to the Brink" is tough-minded thinking just when we need it. Of course it is heart-breaking that Israeli hostages are in the hands of brutal Hamas, and that there may be no happy ending. But it is more heart-breaking what happed on Oct. 7, and what would happen in the future if Hamas were allowed to regain its military power. Even the numbers of killed on Oct. 7 and of the hostages show that priorities must be on stopping attacks in the future. Contrary to the world's cost-free sentiments and Israel's' far leftists' demands, Hamas must be given no quarter and must be put out of business permanently.

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It is a bit too pat an analysis. How did all the Jews get to the concentration camps in the first place? It WAS planned out. There WAS a Final Solution. Jews were exterminated. It wasn’t simply poor logistical planning of some political prisoner groups. Get real. This is total revisionism and revisionist history.

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Uh, the photo in the article which postulates that the photo on the left is preferable to the photo on the right. I have read more books on the Nazis (National SOCIALIST Workers Party of Germany) than I would wish on anyone. I can tell you that those two may as well be the SAME DAMN PHOTO.

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Tucker’s show on Fox News especially his opening segment was a never miss. I’m surprised with his tolerance of Jew hatred. He’s either really clever and is pandering to the far right, “wink-wink”, or like billions of others, he irrationally hates Jews. He is a provocateur, and I’m okay with interviewing people we dislike, and disagree with. He’s just another media personality making the big money, he’s proven his intellectual laziness by giving agency to media dullards and frauds. He’s also another obvious antisemite. Disturbing indeed.

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Does Katie Simon have an X account or contact info? Thanks.

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