If your therapist minimizes the issue of antisemitism, even if they are Jewish, and minimizes your pain and anguish over Oct 7, you not only need to leave them, you need to report them to the licensing boards. No topic should ever be off limits with a therapist. They have no right to make you uncomfortable. Denying the right to selfdefense as Jews is something Nazis would do. The therapist is there to help you handle your grief, you are not there to make them feel good or to hear about their political views. They would never do this to any other minority. This is disgusting. But not surprising.

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Tucker Carlson should be deemed beyond the pale by a prominent conservative in the same way that William F Buckley wrote Pat Buchanan and Joseph Sobran as beyond the boundaries of the conservative community

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Note that Walz uses the expression "the Netanyahu Government." Is any other country's government labeled that way? I do not think so

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Walz Is following the Obama game plan of marginalizing Israel Netanyahu’s government and the American Jewish community

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I don’t remember this newsletter being like this when I subscribed. Ever since the war started it’s been all GOP talking points, conspiracy theories, aggressive “hot takes” on Israel. Go ahead and keep living in your world where war is only bad for one side. Continue taking great lengths to try to fill people with hatred and fear. I’m not trolling, I actually care about Israel’s future which is why I don’t spread bullshit just trying to score points for my own team. And seriously, this “calculation” from the heritage foundation? That one was the last straw for me. I think I know what’s going on here. I’ve been reading long enough to know your editors aren’t that stupid.

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Defaming the dead should be an easy target; they can't reply. Yet Armin Rosen butchers even this cheap shot, choosing to cite just one source -- a 13-year-old source -- in his post condemning the International Solidarity Movement. It is a missed opportunity to take a hard look at important issues.

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Thanks for sharing. Great articles. Now that you mentioned the Tucker interviews , I think you are correct. I do listen to him so I will be more observant of his guest in the future.

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When I was in my mid-30s, I saw a therapist for a couple years over relationship issues. I never had the slightest idea what his political orientation was, even though the stress from the political environment at the time (the mid-aughts: 9/11, Iraq, etc.) often made it into our sessions, when I brought it up. It's utterly incredible that such a substantial part of the profession has devolved to the point we're finding out about in just over a decade and a half. NO therapist should be proselytizing their political views to a client; not to mention participating in something as unethical as a blacklist of professional colleagues. And if the accounts in this essay are correct, some are spreading disinformation they got from social media. A therapist is being paid to help a client, not indoctrinate one. This is utterly disgusting. Any patient who hears word-one of a therapist's unsolicited personal political opinions should leave immediately and demand a refund.

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It is poor therapy to voice political preferences let alone argue politics or religion with a patient/client! It is also ethically questionable.

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