“… Hochstein was “livid” at the Israelis for launching their pager attack immediately following his visit last week—“not only because they kept him in the dark about the attack, but because they completely ignored everything he told them.” At least they’re learning something in Jerusalem.”

~ Amen and AMEN to that!!

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“ (The Iranian good behavior never quite materializes, but still, it’s a beautiful theory.) ”

Hah! Right?!

Because in actual reality, it’s more of a delusional - and quite deranged and deadly - fantasy.

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Maybe it’s a bit narrow minded of me, but the horrific and frightening war being waged against Israel has been one of the most clarifying issues for my “discovering” who actually has half a brain.

What is going on in that war is so patently obvious to anyone who chooses to embrace reality, that anyone and everyone who attempts to “both sides” it merely exposes them for the buffoons they really are.

Tucker falls into this category like the noon day. He has immense reach, and by even entertaining - much moreso agreeing with - such ignorant and duplicitous guests spouting their total lack of anything even remotely resembling intelligence, he has marked himself, at the very least, as a fool.

In my opinion, his ironclad cloak of Isolationism has closed his mind to actual facts contained throughout the vast annals of history and left him vulnerable to being swept away by all sorts of fantastical imaginings.

I pray he is not totally lost, for his own sake, but moreso for the sake of the millions who listen to him.

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P.S. I don’t believe, however, that he is a deliberate “deep state tool”, or that he has the slightest interest in being president, though he certainly has rendered himself useful to the evil powers that be as one of their discardable idiots.

I just think he’s woefully and dangerously wrong about a lot of things.

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So many great writers at Tablet Mag. David Samuels describes Protocols of Zion 2.0. A tour de force disposition on mis/dis/mal information - conspiracism writ large. Talk about connecting and disconnecting the dots. As regards Tucker who I actually paid to see many years ago, I believe he’s trying to screw Trump, and he’s part of the Deep State. But it doesn’t matter - Trump will triumph because 70% of the electorate doesn’t have a 4 year college degree. Just doctorates in common sense, his new tagline for the party. They will save the Republic regardless of Tucker. We are the second covenantal nation.

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This administration will stop at nothing to do the bidding of Iran and Jacob Siegel is 100% on the mark about Tucker Carlson-who is clearly the Pat Buchanan of this generation

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How much you want to bet that Amos has/had a Hezbollah beeper which didn't blow up.

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It must be difficult to David Samuels editors. Has he got something on them?

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Much of the rot we see today began with Obama. He was an very effective anti-American.

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The last paragraph is from where the entire article is drawn. And yet it contains one huge flaw.: there is a 4th reason Tucker may be doing what he's doing (begin with Cooper, then do a 16-city tour with Trump supporters). He believes himself to be The Voice of The Other, the "Other" being anti-Demo gov't. This includes the right to free speech and looking at alien theories, Churchill re-writes, and our foreign policy. He believes no one can agree with 100% of what he does, but he has the obligation to ask the tough questions no one else will ask. Sometimes they turn out right, he believes. And when they do, he'll look like a Prophet. And when they don't, he upheld our right to think freely and out loud. And by the way, I don't believe half the nonsense his guests espouse, starting with aliens and continuing thru Cooper and anti-semmitism....I'm just saying that Occam's Razor pertains here. The best explanation for what he's doing is the simplest one: He is working hard the originally American right of free speech, which includes going up against The Man even if it's absurd or dangerous to do so.

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