I’d say there was/is a lack of vision period. With so much low hanging fruit, why is it that Republicans cannot specify anything they will do to clean up the mess the current government has created? One must conclude that there is no plan.

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I'm working on something larger with this idea but I think it's not even an issue of lack of vision--it's an inability to articulate a vision, one that is rooted in personality. A progressive personality has vision, but this vision is usually impossible to implement without causing massive suffering in the long term. A conservative personality has an amazing skill at diagnosing deep, philosophical problems but a complete inability to come up with any kind of creative or proactive solution. This is why, as silly as it sounds at this point, progressives and conservatives need to realize that they need each other unless they want to continue this race to circle to the drain.

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Can you say more about this? I am particularly curious about the progressive personality vs. the conservative personality. It sounds like a distinction that Nietzsche would have made. Thanks for the insights!

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Sure, there’s actually been a fair amount of research done in political psychology over the years (honestly perhaps inspired by Nietzsche, though I am only guessing). There’s a prominent study by DeYoung and colleagues from 2009 for example (and whose results have been replicated a number of times) that show positive correlations between certain Big Five traits and political orientation; for example, conservatives tend to score much higher on conscientiousness and progressives tend to score much higher on openness to experience. These traits aren’t just self report observations either, since they’ve been observed in fMRI scans of the brain; conscientiousness for example shows greater volume in the lateral prefrontal cortex which is associated with impulse control and planning.

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The New Right are just manifestations of "re-involution." There's nothing they can do about Hegemony. There is nothing they can do about the domination of networks. https://raynottwoodbead.substack.com/p/beating-around-the-bush-on-the-foul?r=1kxo1w&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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