Interesting the uptick, or reported, shootings and mayhem. Is it a “look here, not there” or just a general fever of lack of impulse control?

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If the Biden administration is indeed beginning to signal the interjection of US troops into Ukraine, why did they so anxiously assure Putin, etc it was “off the table” during their build up of invasion forces? Why not offer “no comment” re future intervention? Force Russians to hold back some attack assets - especially air defense, etc. Obviously, they will fear a NATO/US air intervention far more now than pre-invasion but still why…

Did our intel forecast an immediate UKR political/military collapse? Why was the US embassy evacuated before hand and Zelenskyy offered an immediate ride out? Did the US suffer an intelligence assessment failure masked as a genius prediction of the initial invasion? Has that assessment now changed? Inquiring minds want to know..

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