Leil Leibowitz hits the nail on the head-if you scratch the surface of those who engage in acts of provocation against Charedim, it is because "...the Haredi, an actual minority suffering from actual violence, can’t be co-opted into the rainbow coalition of uniform disenfranchised minorities that all wish to trade in their suffering for membership in good standing in the “righteous liberal order,” they must be made into villains, just another group of privileged men fighting the ongoing war against women that our most profound secular scriptures, like the Barbie movie, warned us about."

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If you tie reparations to repatriation, it might gain more traction. Just as Jews after WWII went back to Israel and created the modern Jewish state, American Blacks would have the opportunity to take the reparation money and invest it in their Motherland, Africa.

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The Democrats, as evidenced by this latest “reparations” insanity are once again proving they are nothing more than a murder/ suicide cult.

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In New York, and its suburbs , where there are sizable Charedi and committed Mordern Orthodox communities the answer is that if you Charedi or even a committed Modern Orthodox Jew, you have no right to demand who can sit next to you on mass transit but you can learn Torah on your phone and ignore the fact that women are inappropriately dressed especially in the summer and if it financially doable take a vacation in an area where your re;ligious sensitivies on these issues won't be offended or pickeded by the representatives of the woke world

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The judge who complained that AI generated work cannot be copywrited because the computer presumable does more work than the human who creates and initiates the idea, develops the questions, and adjusts the results until the creator is satisfied is not sufficiently involved. Luddite.

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" Sarah Lawrence and Swarthmore, which—predictably—require both the initial series and a booster." Why are these two schools designated as "predictable" in terms of a covid shot? They're not the most elite, or the most liberal, or actually the most of anything. Why did you think it necessary to include this, predictably, snarky slam?

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