fantastic analysis. I lived in Jerusalem many years ago and it's the most fascinating city in the world. My late wife grew up in the Yemenite section of Tel Aviv. There is no soul left in Tel Aviv.

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Antonio García Martínez is always excellent.

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Most excellent insight into the roots of Israel’s current and dangerous turmoil, by Mr. Martinez.

What that root boils down into is not just a denial of the country’s history by these groups deceptively using the word “democracy” as a cloak for their blinded zealotry, but also a grotesque and utter ignorance of that history and how it impacts the very existence of the country of Israel itself in the here and now.

It’s the same here by the Left, tearing down statues, changing the names of historical places, and literally rewriting the history of this nation, merely to serve their own selfish and wicked ends.

The whole world is turning upside down, driven by such madness.

Where this ends is scary stuff indeed.

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Mr. Garcia Martinez set forth a very clear analysis of the ideology of the secular left and its distaste for the Torah committed community regardless of its headgear and its priorities, and also what it means to be shopping for a higher goal in Machaneh Yehudah for Shabbos as opposed to what poses for high fashion on Dizengoff. Take a look at this link for the so called tolerance of the left iin actionhttps://www.timesofisrael.com/at-bnei-brak-womens-rights-march-angry-rhetoric-drowns-out-haredi-secular-dialogue/?utm_campaign=daily-edition-2023-08-25&utm_medium=email&utm_source=The+Daily+Edition

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