Please take a look at the NYT's children section that came out yesterday. It's sad to see the subtle anti-Isreal propaganda being fed to children. All of the photos are of Gaza after the bombings, but there is nothing showing the homes burned, ransacked, and blown up by terrorists, i.e., what caused Israel to bomb Gaza in the first place.

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The head of the JCPA should be replaced with someone who can appreciate that Musk understands the facts on the ground of 10/7 as opposed to engaging in woke posturing

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The true motivation for the O’Biden administration’s coddling of Iran, I believe, is nefariously wicked. Both the Obama and Biden administrations hate Israel, and thus, in that regard, have common cause with Iran’s desire to destroy it.

The US is effectively Iran’s poodle now, and they laugh and mock them for their weak-kneed fealty to the regime. The US, is viewed by Tehran with utter disrespect and disgust for their groveling behavior and ironically hated every bit as much as they do Israel.

The fact that the people in this administration are so utterly blind to this fact is what is most stunning, and disgustingly shameful, not to mention dangerous and deadly.

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The Biden administration's treatment of Iran sure is a head-scratcher. I can't think of any better analogy than that it's like middle school. Biden is that kid who, for some reason, really, really wants to make friends with the bully and thinks that if he gives the bully the answers to the test or hands him his lunch money without a struggle then he and the bully will be cool. Then the bully comes back with his friends and they all beat that kid up together. And they demand more test answers and more money.

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