Your exquisite writing style actually even allowed me to chuckle, while reading about the most outrageous and offensive lies and crap being spewed by the diabolical Biden regime.
Those who be rationalize that Biden did not financially benefit from his son’s lobbying for China now claim the funding of Iran did not contribute in any way to the events of 10/7 when in fact the same notion of bribery is the common denominator of both
Kudos, Mr. Badran! On such an excellent article.
Your exquisite writing style actually even allowed me to chuckle, while reading about the most outrageous and offensive lies and crap being spewed by the diabolical Biden regime.
Those who be rationalize that Biden did not financially benefit from his son’s lobbying for China now claim the funding of Iran did not contribute in any way to the events of 10/7 when in fact the same notion of bribery is the common denominator of both